The writing you do – whatever form it takes – is right for you. This applies to all chosen paths.

There are nearly 8 billion people on this planet. Among us all, there are a lot of different things that we do, desire to do, and can do. Some are tasks and chores we are not so fond of. Others, though, come easily and bring us joy.
However, it’s easy to see the things that come easily to us as having less value. That’s easy – so it doesn’t count. But that’s not true. It absolutely counts.
Writing, for me, comes easily. I love the challenge of having a project to do – whether it’s sci-fi and fantasy, mindfulness/self-improvement writing, or business/work-related writing.
Yet I have undervalued how right writing felt to me because it comes as easily as it does. But that’s just because it’s a thing that brings me joy and makes me feel content.
Just because something comes easily to you – it might not be so easy to others.
Take baking, for example. Some people can barely fathom how sugar, flour, and butter morph into cookies and cakes. Others, like my wife, can take these three ingredients and make something delicious and amazing with nary a thought.
This is true of writing, painting, sculpting, computer programming, cooking, tailoring, and veritably any other task that takes practice and skill.
Because that, for me, is writing – that’s what I am focusing on here. And why – even if it comes easily to you – it’s still right for you.
Perception within and without seldom match
Reality – and how each of us perceives it – varies from person to person. Despite agreeing on certain elements of reality via collective consciousness – like the sky being blue, up the opposite of down, water being wet, etcetera – reality is perceived individually. As Einstein may or may not have said,
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
What does that mean? It means that every individual has their own perception of reality. That’s why some people believe in things that defy all logic and reason.
But more personally, it alters how we individually see the things that we do. How you perceive what I am doing isn’t how I perceive what I am doing – and vice versa.
This gets complicated when we think we know what others see. That’s why, when writing comes easily for me, I downplay it because I think it’s not a big deal. Yet I know for others – writing is fraught with challenges. And some outright don’t get joy or satisfaction from it at all.
Yet we still question this. Despite all of us not having various abilities.
For example – I cannot fathom how cloth and thread combine to form clothing. I get the how of it – but taking flat cloth and turning it into a shirt or pants just does not connect in my brain.
Yes, I can do some sewing. I’ve sewn buttons and closed torn seams. But taking cloth and thread and making clothing of it? That’s painful and unpleasant and I don’t enjoy it at all.
Yet I have multiple friends who find joy and satisfaction in creating clothing. And I suspect that for those for whom it comes easily – they question if it’s right for them like I question writing sometimes.
The art or the writing you do is right for you
If there is a skill that you have that comes easily to you – but brings you joy and makes you feel content – it’s right for you.
Some people don’t think that they’re terribly creative. But I find most people have some talent or other. And some of these are more creative while others are more practical.
That doesn’t make any one less than the other.
The writing you do is right for you if that’s what you do. This applies to the art, the science, the list-making, or whatever else you do.
I’ve just started a new job. It’s a writing job. No, it’s not my work on mindfulness/conscious reality creation/the ongoing writing process – nor my sci-fi and fantasy novels – but I still found myself taking joy in the creation and experiencing that awesome loss of track of time as I worked.
But this does pose a bit of a conflict. It’s not my work. Yes, it’s work I am doing – but the writing I am doing isn’t mine, in the end. The content, voice, and tone belong to the client. But is this still right for me?
Hence, why I’m sharing this notion here – all the writing you do is right for you. This means that, even if this isn’t mine, I love doing it – and that makes it right for me.
What’s more – earning money in this way is right for me, too.

The art or writing you do is and isn’t you
Sometimes, it’s all too easy to forget that you are not your job.
Identifying yourself as what you do can be problematic. Because even as a creative, there is more to you than what you do.
Storyteller is the overarching pitch I give for who I am. That takes a lot of different forms in my life. It also is not my job – it’s what I do.
In many contexts of my life, I tell stories. Some are shared like this and other blogs. Others come out in my novels. But in person, I’m also a storyteller.
I’ve been teaching medieval fencing for over 25 years. It is never just the basics of fencing that I teach. I also go into some of the history, and wind-up telling stories from 2+ decades of experience. A lot of storytelling, as such, happens. In casual conversations with friends, I tend to get into stories.
Overall – I am a storyteller. Whether I am writing or not.
But when I am writing, it’s an applied form of storytelling. And I think all creations you make are your form of storytelling – though you might not consider yourself a storyteller.
The point here is that the art of the writing that you do is right for you. Even if you don’t necessarily consider it art or all that creative. If it makes you feel content and brings you joy – when and if it comes easily to you – it is right for you.
Sometimes that puts you against the collective consciousness or societal expectations. That’s okay. Our diversity spurs growth and change. So be the best you that you can be and do what feels right for you.
Just cause no hurt or harm and take no shit, either.
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