Thoughts on getting inspired and mindfulness when finding and creating things.
Sometimes I sit at the keyboard, look at the screen and find words flowing.
Other times I sit and ponder. What shall I write? What topics might readers find interesting? Should I play a game on Facebook to clear my head? Go meditate? Play with the cats?

Inspiration can strike at any time. For example, the title of this article came to me as I was beginning to doze off last night. Fortunately, I keep a notepad and pen on my headboard…or I did – last night I couldn’t find the pen and head to get up to write it down.
Different things will inspire different writing works for me. Because I cross a bunch of different genres in my work, there are times when a certain inspiration gets replaced by another.
All artists, whatever medium they work in, either find or are found by inspiration, and that’s where their work comes from.
But what IS inspiration, anyhow? That depends on lots of different factors.
Becoming inspired
Inspiration is a spark, an idea, a unique thought that drives actions and creativity. It is a force for building, creating, evolving, and growing.
Sometimes inspiration just happens. You see something that opens a channel to another world or some far corner of your brain. Before you know it you are writing, painting, sculpting, welding, or whatever medium of choice you work in.
This is one of the reasons why I have a Pinterest account. I have set up boards with images that inspire me. Fantastical fantasy worlds, super-cool looking starships, Steampunk visions, and well-thought quotes to work with mindfulness and conscious reality creation. I find and save images to boards to look at down the line and inspire stories.
Reading other works can inspire my own. Another writer may touch on a topic that stirs inspiration within me, and now I have something to work with.
As an artist, I feel a call to perform my art. Whatever art that might be at the time.
I am mostly a writer as an artist. However, I am also a carpenter, singer, voice actor, and martial artist (because medieval fencing IS a martial art). Different things will inspire each of my arts, and sometimes a single thing or notion will inspire them all.
The point is, inspiration can come from anywhere at any time. One of the best parts about working with mindfulness is that when you are aware of your thoughts and feelings you open yourself to better recognize and soak in inspiration when it comes.
Seeking out inspiration
Admittedly, there are times where inspiration doesn’t come easily. I will sit here and ponder, but not feel anything coming on.
Other times, if I am feeling blue or otherwise negative, inspiration is almost pushed away. So now I need to seek it out.
There are lots of external resources available for seeking inspiration. My aforementioned Pinterest account, for example. I can actively seek out material from other writers to see if something strikes a chord with me and awakens my inspiration.
The other option is to turn inwards. I can’t tell you how many times during meditation I have been inspired. Sitting in stillness, focusing on my breathing, ideas pop into my heart and soul. This is just one of the many reasons to actively meditate.
The difference between becoming inspired and seeking out inspiration is action. Rather than it just happening and coming on, you take intentional actions to find it. Once again, this calls up practicing mindfulness.
Because you are mindful, and working on being aware of your thoughts and feelings, this, in turn, opens you up to be aware of intent in your actions. Intentional action means you have direction and purpose in what you do. That requires mindfulness.
Inspiration sparks action
Being inspired is not always in regards to the arts. You can become inspired to do virtually anything.
Maybe you are inspired to buy something special for yourself or someone you love. Perhaps you feel inspired to clean your house. It is entirely possible you become inspired to write that report you’ve been putting off. You might feel inspired to eat healthier and exercise more.
Being inspired and finding inspiration is about opening yourself to potential and possibility. This is an opportunity for change, growth, and more.
The ancient Greeks personified inspiration in the Nine Muses of antiquity. Each muse has her specific realm and sphere of influence. For the uninitiated, the Nine Muses were the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, and are Clio (muse of history), Calliope (epic poetry), Euterpe (music), Erato (lyric poetry), Urania (astronomy), Thalia (comedy), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (sacred poetry), and Terpsichore (dance).
Even to this day, some will turn to the Muses to find inspiration. And why not? Having a personification of inspiration can open your mind to even more possibilities.
Becoming inspired to find and create new works is part of the artist’s process. Some days it is easier than others, but it is always worthwhile. And so are you.
Keep finding things that inspire you. Continue to create and do all the amazing things which you desire to. Thank you for reading these words I have written for me and for you, as well as for taking part in my ongoing journey.
Thank you for joining me, and for inspiring me and my arts.
Please take a moment to explore the rest of the website, which I am working to evolve and change for the better…much like I am doing for myself. Also, visit Awareness for Everyone to check out my bi-weekly podcasts.
This is the thirty-third entry of my personal writing blog. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published writing, which can be found here.
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