This is a wide topic with many possible approaches.
When I began to blog regularly seven-and-a-half years ago, I started out with an idea I called Pathwalking. This philosophy I created was all about the notion that you can live life over letting life live you. Making choices and decisions is the key to the concept of conscious reality creation.
The backbone of this is mindfulness. Employing mindfulness is the key that opens the way to use consciousness in creation of the reality you desire for your life.

There are a lot of writers who cover this topic. Some have fancy degrees and/or a series of letters behind their name. Others are spiritual leaders or modern philosophical gurus of one stripe or another. Unfortunately, there are also a number of shysters, pseudoscientists, and other types of bullshit artists also writing on this topic.
I have asked myself more than once – how am I qualified to write this stuff? I’ve no letters following my name, am not leading any spiritual or philosophical organization, and I am not selling you anything – ergo not a bullshit artist. How come I am writing this stuff?
The short answer is shared experience. Over the years as I have worked and studied and just generally lived, I have encountered numerous examples of consciousness creating reality, and mindfulness making the difference between living life and being lived BY life.
I know a lot of people who have similar lives to my own. In sharing my experiences and mindfulness practices, I might be of service to others looking to do the same.
Sharing knowledge
First, it’s super important that I point out that I am not an expert on the topic of mindfulness. Practitioner, yes, expert, no. I still get this wrong, and I am still learning.
Over the course of the seven-plus years of writing Pathwalking every week, it has evolved. The overall philosophical notion remains unchanged, but the practice has shifted. This comes from reading and listening to other works, as well as my own experiences along my paths.
If you are choosing to find and live a life that excites you and allows you to better realize your potential, you have likely experienced similar trials and tribulations as I have. Similar, but not the same, as we are not the same.
Defining this has always been challenging for me. Self-help? Maybe, kinda. Inspirational? I like to think so, but your mileage may vary. Spiritual? I consider it as such, but spirituality is truly an individual experience and knowledge base. Educational? In a school-of-life way, sure. Philosophy? That’s how I first branded it, but it’s a lot less abstract, as far as I am concerned.
Fiction was a lot easier to define. I started out writing sci-fi, and then fantasy. These are still areas I focus on, and have works underway in both genres. These genres have wiggle room within them, and you can do a lot with that. Probably why my Steampunk is easily both fantasy and sci-fi, really.
Still, I find that writing about mindfulness and conscious reality creation is not just for you. This also helps me to focus and refine my practice, and to explore issues that I come up along the way.
Why bother with mindfulness? One particular reason is empowerment. We live in a fear-based society, largely being led by individuals who would rather disempower than empower people. Why? Because many of our leaders have fallen prey to greed and corruption, so they hoard power and control because they fear its loss.
When writing about mindfulness, one of the primary matters I give focus to is empowerment. Writing about this is empowering to me – and it is my hope that reading it can be empowering to you. Recognition of our own power is the best way for us to get ahold of and utilize it.
The more I write, the better a writer I become, and the more I study and write about mindfulness, the more conscious I become of how it matters. Being mindful of thoughts and feelings lets us really influence and gain control over them. This, in turn, helps us to be and do more to make the best of our lives.
We are more empowered than we realize, which I try to get across as I write about this. Many of the leaders of the world don’t want us to see this, because they fear how it will disempower them. True power is individual power, not power over anyone other than yourself.
As such, I am pretty sure that true power is mindfulness.
Overcoming fear
A lot of what has held me back in my life was fear. I have let the fear-based society get to me on multiple occasions…but more than that, I allowed my comfort zones to enfold me so closely that I had to work extra hard to free myself from them.
My fears of success and failure were not the real culprit. It was my fear of abandonment that drove both. If I succeeded or if I failed, I feared that I would be abandoned. So often I played it safe, because I had people in my life who gave me comfort in being my friends, and made me feel secure.
However, multiple times I allowed that false security to keep me from taking any leaps, any chances, and I missed opportunities. More than that, this caused me to develop some unhelpful habits, which took a long time to be replaced.
Writing about mindfulness is part of my process of overcoming fear. I know this is totally a first-world problem, and that overall I haven’t much to complain about. But why should I settle for mediocrity and good enough when I know I can have excellence and greatness? This has nothing to do with ego, it has to do with being the best me, living the fullest life that I can.
I believe that in doing so, I can share more easily with you, and help you find the same.
These are the things I write about, because I believe that in sharing my pathways, I can help you find more clarity and success. We are worthy and deserving of awesome lives.
I am a writer, and writing about mindfulness lets me share my gifts in a number of useful, supportive ways.
Thank you for reading these words, and taking part in my ongoing journey. Thank you for joining me.
Please take a moment to explore the rest of the website, which I am working to evolve and change for the better…much like I am doing for myself. Also, visit Awareness for Everyone to check out my bi-weekly podcasts.
This is the twenty-third entry of my personal blog. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published writing, which can be found here.
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