Maybe the better question is why wouldn’t my ideas be worth sharing?

I have a lot of different things going through my head.
Some of them are stories for fantastical worlds. People, places, and situations that – as far as I know – exist only in my imagination.
Others are a reflection of my perspective on reality. I have thoughts, feelings, and ideas about life, the Universe, and more that I know don’t just belong to me.
On top of that – I have a deep desire to help the world in any way that I can. Whether that’s sharing my ongoing creative process, thoughts on living life, or fictional tales – I believe that sharing them is of value to more than just me.
However, in the grand scheme of things, who am I? There are no fancy degrees that can add abbreviations after my name, I am not a seer or prophet, and while I’ve had some fantastic life experiences both good and bad – I am nobody of importance. Are my ideas worth sharing, as such?
The short answer is yes.
Please allow me to elaborate and explain why the answer is yes in more detail.
Everyone has value and worth
To be fair, this idea is sometimes exploited. What’s more, it’s also been abused in removing elements of meritocracy in favor of participation trophies. I get the notion of overall fairness and equality – but I believe that it should not be at the price of exceptionalism.
That’s how we wind up with a barely functional government and people with nary a clue discrediting the skilled and learned, just FYI.
Not everyone can be a known individual, famous or infamous, celebrity, or otherwise known to the masses. There are presently almost 8 billion people on this planet. It is statistically impossible for everyone to be known by the masses.
However – everyone DOES have worth and value. We’re all here for a purpose whether we’re aware of what it is or not. And we all matter because all life matters.
I know there are days when we feel like we are worthless and bring no value to the world. Everyone experiences this. Nobody is above feeling like they offer no value or worth to the world. Why else would people who seem to have it all – be known to offer value and worth – kill themselves? Just because I see it and you see it doesn’t mean that they do.
It is true that you have value and worth. Maybe you won’t be a known quantity to the world at large – but that doesn’t lessen you, your value, or your worth.
Because of this, when you feel like sharing an idea, and you are compelled to do so – do it. Your idea is worth sharing.
Even if it’s a bad idea.
Ideas bad or good are worth sharing
Do you know why bad ideas are just as valuable as good ideas to share? Because a bad idea might be the impetus for a good idea.
It is not unheard of for a bad idea to spark a good one. Whoa, that’s not a good idea, but because you shared it – I have another idea – is not so unusual a reaction.
Any idea, as such, has worth and value. Yes, it might be an example of what NOT to do. But that’s not bad. It still has worth.
No two people experience this life the same. My experiences are not yours and vice versa. They might be similar. But because we are different, so are they.
How we think and feel is dissimilar. Even if we have identical experiences – where we are in our mindset/headspace/psyche will be different.
Hence why even a bad idea is worth sharing.
This is why negativity is utterly necessary. Without seeing bad how can we see good? It’s imperative that we know the don’t and can’t so that we know the do and can.
Whether the ideas are big or small – real or fictitious – they are worth sharing.

My ideas are not everyone’s cup of tea (or coffee, or shot of whisky)
As a writer, my first love is sci-fi and fantasy. Over the years I’ve come to realize that I have an affinity for the notion of sci-fantasy. I love The Martian as well as Star Wars – but the latter (very sci-fantasy) was my first love.
Sci-fi and fantasy are niches. There are lots of people in this world who are not fans of either. What’s more, there are lots of subgenres in each that have variable appeal. Steampunk, high fantasy, military sci-fi, urban fantasy, cyberpunk, and more live in the overarching idea of sci-fi and fantasy. Each sub-genre has a deeper niche appeal.
Let’s add another wrinkle to this – some people don’t get into the books and are far more fans of TV and movie options.
Does that make my fiction ideas less worth sharing? Hell no.
When it comes to my nonfiction ideas – lots of people find mindfulness, positivity, conscious reality creation, and the like to be hooky-spooky mumbo-jumbo bullshit. Platitudes and grand schemes utterly outside of “reality”. Even some of my friends, I know, find my philosophy outside their belief system.
However, I believe in their worth and value. And that’s why I share my ideas.
This brings me to the most salient point of this.
Believe in your own worth and value
Ask yourself this – do YOU believe in the worth of your ideas?
Fictional or nonfictional, do you believe that your ideas have value? Do you feel compelled to share them with the world?
If not, why not?
Consider this – if Mozart, Michelangelo, Maya Angelou, Einstein, Betty White, or any other historic or celebrity person you could name didn’t believe in their worth – we’d never know them. Music, art, theatre, and science would not have received the amazing ideas contributed by these people. None of them started out known by anyone – and now? I have no doubt you recognize all the above I named.
You will have doubts. It’s totally normal to question if your ideas have worth. I question it all the time. But I also believe that this is what I am here to do.
Maybe my ideas don’t seem to have worth or value to some. But they are worthwhile and valuable to me. And I believe that they are not for me to keep to myself.
Are my ideas worth sharing? Absolutely yes. They won’t speak to everyone – and that’s okay. They speak to me. And I hope that they speak to you, too.
Thank you for letting me share my ideas – fictional and nonfictional – with you.
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