Blogs, business, fiction – who reads what I write, and does it matter?

First and foremost, I’m a storyteller.
During the 50 years I’ve lived in this meat suit and engaged with what life has to offer, I’ve had some amazing experiences. And that includes both good and bad.
I’ve had great and awful relationships; good, great, and horrific jobs; visited 43 of 50 US states, multiple parts of Canada, and Mexico; I’ve seen unbelievable beauty, heard amazing music, tasted delicious food, and experienced tons of other incredible sensory inputs; I’ve broken bones, been hit by a car crossing a street, been through PT, OT, and psychotherapy; I’ve laughed, cried, loved, and hated; and through it all, I’ve developed lots of stories to tell – many of which can be opened with, “No shit, there I was.”
I share my stories with friends both old and new. Sometimes, I write them and share them on a blog.
Overall, I love having stories to tell to simply entertain, or to enlighten, educate, help, or do anything to do good for others on any level that I can.
I write fiction because there are worlds in my head that desire to get out of my head. Imaginative realms, fascinating characters, and situations that I believe are fun to read and experience. This is the spinning of yarns and tales beyond reality largely for entertainment – but sometimes to give insight, education, and help with the world you know.
I blog 4 days a week. Thus far, I’ve self-published 12 works of fiction and 4 works of nonfiction. Both Medium (where I blog) and Amazon (where I publish) show me numbers for readers and followers.
That’s what leads to the question – who reads anything that I write?
And then, ultimately, does it matter?
Why do I write in the first place?
Writing is my first love. It’s my vocation. Writer is a part of the career I’ve chosen.
Storyteller is part of my identity. It’s a large part of how I present myself to the world at large.
As part of that identity, I have jobs – vocations – along that line. I write books and blogs, and I podcast once a week as part of that.
My vocation involves other creative acts. I write for and edit a magazine, produce multiple podcasts and manage a network of shows, and help others with their storytelling.
Separating my identity from my vocation is important. When you identify as your vocation, you lessen your overall being.
How does that work? Let’s say you work in tech support or as an admin at an office. Do you identify as a tech supporter or an admin, outside of work? Likely no.
That’s why I separate writer from storyteller.
So why do I write in the first place?
Writing, for me, is like breathing. There are stories to tell and ideas to share with the world. And one of the best ways for me to do that is to write them.
Thus, blogs, books, and more are what I write. And with a few exceptions, I share my writing.
This leads to the question I’m asking.

Who reads anything that I write, and does it matter?
Based on the aforementioned numbers from Medium and Amazon – my readership (as of this writing) is less overall than I would desire it to be.
Despite all the books I’ve written and self-published, sales have been less than I would like. Likewise, based on reads and the number of followers I have on Medium – coupled with views and reads of my articles – well, let’s just say I can’t fathom the workings of their algorithms and why these numbers aren’t higher.
Why does it matter who reads what I write? Truth is – it doesn’t. Yes, I would love to get more readership for everything that I produce. But that written, I am going to continue to produce the work that I do.
Does it matter who reads what I write? No. Because I write to share and help people with their growth, evolution, imagination, self-awareness, and so on.
But I’m not writing for anyone specifically. I write because I’m compelled to write.
And because of the nature of my work – and its availability – all the numbers are not set in stone. My writing could be discovered, shared, and gain more traction. Then who reads it would be expanded. The more I share, the more that potential and possibility expands.
While who reads what I write doesn’t matter, on the flip side, however – it does matter. To me. And that’s what’s truly important.
Do your art for you
You matter. And you are a worthwhile, valuable person.
When you create, whether you share it or not, it matters. Why? Because that’s part of how you express your truest, most authentic self.
Everyone is a creator in one form or another. But creatives – artists, writers, scientists, chefs, actors, singers, etcetera – express that in imaginative, unique ways. Public or private, creatives produce things.
Shared or not, what you produce matters. Because it matters to you and your ongoing, creative process. It’s not important who reads what you write, views your paintings, listens to your music, eats your food, or whatever. What’s important and what matters most is that you do this because you are inspired to.
It doesn’t matter who reads what I write. But it does matter to me that I keep creating, imagining, and sharing my stories via writing. I do my art for me. Please do your art for you – whether or not you share what you do.
Thank you for reading.
How are you inspired to be your own creator – whatever form that takes?
Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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