Who is MJ Blehart?
I’m a storyteller, dreamer, philosopher, geek, writer, editor, voice artist, medieval reenactor, and more. I’ve been writing fiction since I was 9 years old. My first completed story was an illustrated, 50-page hand-written sci-fi adventure called Wildfire.
My primary fiction works are sci-fi, fantasy, and Steampunk. There are many cool worlds in my head, and I love writing them and working on sharing them with everyone.
Writing is my greatest love, my passion. I’ve been writing most of my life, and words are how I best express myself. Whether I am writing a novel, writing for my blog, posting an article on Medium, or working on some sort of business writing, I love the written word.
I have a number of projects in various stages of development constantly underway.
Writer / Editor / Voice Artist / World-Builder – it all adds up to Storyteller. That’s me in a nutshell.
I continue writing and self-publishing, seeking to build an ever-growing audience and new opportunities to share my work.
I’m originally from the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I relocated to the East Coast for college and have lived in New York or New Jersey ever since.
Currently, I live in New Jersey, just east of Philadelphia, with my wife and three feline overlords (cats).
This is an interview from 5/25/21 with KeysDAN on his What Makes You Famous show.
This is an interview about my mindfulness writing practice – with a focus on joy.
I got to be a guest on a Blog Talk Radio podcast called the Star Chamber Show. I join the hosts at 15 minutes in. Check it out below!
The Star Chamber Show Episode 242 – 11/26/20
Medieval Reenactor
I am an active participant in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). In the SCA, I am known as Malcolm Bowman. I participate in and teach fencing, court heralding, archery, and other activities on many weekends throughout the year. I’ve been enjoying this for 30+ years.

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