This question of inspiration applies to many aspects of life.

Different things inspire different people.
You could watch a Food Network program and be inspired to cook. Maybe reading a book inspires you to write your own. Watching a star athlete perform could inspire you to get into better shape.
And maybe inspiration hits you from nowhere in particular.
Inspiration is one of those mystical things that are nearly impossible to quantify. It is wildly different for everyone, comes from any number of places – including nowhere – and can have variable impacts.
The sense of inspiration itself is not exactly a thought, nor really a feeling. It is a sensation beyond description, and it can be weak or almost overpowering.
How inspiration may feel
For example, last night as I climbed into bed, I got all comfy. I had just found that perfect spot where my back was relaxed, my eyes were closed, and I was set to drift off to sleep.
But then it hit me. An idea. I had the inspiration for the continuation of the new series I am starting to write. Whoa. That was an excellent idea.
Knowing that it would likely be gone in the morning, I sighed, got out of bed, and went to my office. Turned on the light and wrote out the inspired idea.
Going back to bed, reclaiming the previous comfort proved difficult.
Where in the hell did that come from? I have no idea. But it was so strong that I couldn’t ignore it. I didn’t want to lose it – which has happened to me before. So, I had no choice but to go and put it to paper.
But the sensation was excitement. It overwhelmed sleepy comfort because I didn’t want to lose it.
That’s one variation on how it can feel.
On most Saturday mornings my wife and I watch Food Network programs. More than once, something we saw inspired a dish we wanted to cook. That looks tasty – we should make that.
I cook, but not so well as my wife does – and this inspiration means tasty food will be created and consumed.
This is much less powerful. It’s not a do-it-right-now sensation, just an idea. Still, it’s inspirational. It motivates action.
That’s the thing about inspiration. It tends to motivate you.
This is not something to be forced
I wrote my first 50-page, illustrated sci-fi story at age 9. Started, but didn’t complete, several stories after that. At 13 or 14 I typed my first 36-page single-spaced sci-fi story. Started, but didn’t complete, several after that. In my senior year of High School, I typed up a technothriller short story that earned me an award.
After that, my writing occurred in fits and starts for about 7 years. But then I was inspired – out of nowhere – to write the first scene in what would evolve into The Source Chronicles.
As I began to work on being a more regular writer, I sought out inspiration. More than once I took a hike, did some reading, watched TV or a movie, or sat in front of a blank screen trying to make-up inspiration. There had to be SOME way to get the juices flowing.
I learned two things this way. First, what, if anything, did get inspired for me was non-fiction topics. Patience, mindfulness, positivity over negativity, etc.
Second, you cannot just force yourself to be inspired.
Where does it come from? I have no idea. But you cannot set out to create inspiration. It’s not something you can force into happening – it just happens.
Getting out in nature, watching something, or reading something can inspire you. But you can’t MAKE it inspire you. It’s ethereal, it has no specific where/how/what/why to it. Inspiration cannot be forced it can only be experienced.
However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek it out, either.
Open your heart and mind
Because inspiration is more-or-less a combination of thought and feeling, you need to be open to receive it.
That is not just open-mindedness, but open-heartedness. You need to be ready to think and feel together to be open to being inspired.
To be sure, you can find inspiration when you are not looking for it. It does just spontaneously happen. See my example above. However, if you ARE looking for it, being open to it is key.
There is no sure-fire method to this because there is no singular type, source, or kind of inspiration. What inspires you might sicken me. That which inspires me might piss you off. There is no telling how this will go. But being open to it will let it in.
If you have a box and pack it so full that the lid will barely close, you’ve got no room within to put anything else there. If your heart and mind are equally not open there is no room for anything, let alone inspiration.
Yes, you still might get inspired – but it will not come quite as easily.

Inspiration can be positive or negative
It’s important to recognize this fact. Some inspiration is about what NOT to do.
One of the reasons I never ran with one of my larger business ideas was seeing business done wrong. I have worked in both tiny companies and large companies that were not ideal workplaces. Seeing that, I was inspired not to try it for myself.
I used to say, half-kidding, I learned more how NOT to run a business from these examples than how TO run a business. That’s because, in seeing how it was done wrong, I didn’t necessarily know how to do it right.
It is still a form of inspiration to be hit with that sudden sense of NO WAY. You can be inspired not to do something. You know, in your heart and mind, that it is utterly wrong for you.
This is why I am not a doctor, lawyer, or merchant chief per my Jewish mother’s hopes.
While it may seem counterintuitive, inspiration is a two-way street. The sensation that comes of it can either tell you something you feel compelled to do – or compelled not to do. Still inspiration either way.
So where does it come from?
I believe that inspiration is a manifestation. It comes from both outside influence and inner desire.
For example, I wanted, for years, to write a sci-fi novel. But nothing came to me. I tried to find inspiration – still, nothing.
Then one day, I read a fan-theory regarding Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Firefly. It suggested that Buffy and Firefly exist in the Whedonverse on a singular timeline – Firefly happening 500 years or so later. This theory went on to suggest that River Tam, from Firefly, was a new Slayer. That’s just summing it up.
BUT – that notion opened an idea in my head. I don’t want to get into the details – because that MIGHT be a spoiler – but I found a premise for sci-fi I hadn’t considered before. Finally, I was inspired – and thus began The Void Incursion.
Now, five years later, book 1 is published, book 2 will be out in November, and I am working on what will be book 4. Additionally, I’m starting a whole other, totally different sci-fi series (since The Void Incursion is what’s being referred to often now as science-fantasy).
Where does all the inspiration for writing come from? Depends on the what, the timing, and a certain mystical how of the matter. But inspiration happens.
It doesn’t matter where inspiration comes from. Being open to it – rather than forcing it – can draw it to you. No matter what you do or who you are, this question of inspiration applies to many aspects of life.
It’s an amazing mystery that can have an awesome impact.
Thank you, as always, for being a part of my ongoing journey.
Thank you for joining me, and for inspiring me and my craft.
This is the seventy-sixth article exploring the ongoing creative process. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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