There are things I don’t write for numerous reasons. What don’t you write?

I have written many times about the variety of different things that I write about. But I never have addressed what I don’t write about.
This can be applied to every genre that I work in. From fiction to non-fiction to business, there are things I do not or cannot write about.
Some of this is choice. Other bits are due to a lack of knowledge, desire, and/or understanding.
For example – I choose not to write sex scenes in my fiction. The closest I get tend to be the implication of what is going to happen – or I tell you that it is happening with ZERO detail. I close the door so the couple in question has privacy.
Yes, my upcoming fantasy novel will have almost sex scenes in it – but they are not at all graphic, explicit, nor gratuitous. This is because one of the characters uses sex as a tool – so you know it is happening, but the specifics are in no-way detailed.
It’s not that I am at all prudish or squeamish on this topic. I just feel no need to write such. My fiction is largely sci-fi and fantasy – and while sex is certainly an occurrence for the characters – there’s no need for me to show it.
When it comes to non-fiction – while I will get political, I strive to avoid propaganda. Also, I will not claim any expertise where I have none. I am ever the student, and though I may have mastery of a matter or two – I won’t call myself a master.
When it comes to business, I will not write anything that sells something I don’t believe in or support. Cigarettes, vapes, Republicans, anti-choice, and so on.
Choice matters
Everything in life is about choice. Choosing what you don’t write can be just as important as choosing what you do.
Why? Because that is where, I believe at least, the line between artist and hack exists. Selling your soul is doing work that you know inflicts harm, spreads false propaganda, hurts people, or generally doesn’t add one iota of good or positivity to the world.
You write for the money without soul. Hey, if that pays the bills and you can live with yourself that’s what’s important. I know, for me, where my lines are.
So, the choice is yours when it comes to what you do and what you don’t write.
Most writers are far more specialized than I am. One focus, one primary topic and its branches, that’s it. I think, unfortunately, sometimes my being more of a generalist isn’t beneficial to me.
Still, I choose to write across three distinctly different nodes. Fiction, non-fiction (self-help/inspiration/mindfulness/positivity/writing-on-writing/etc), and business. How I work withing these is different, as each of them is different.
Why you write matters
Everyone who calls themself a writer writes because it matters to them. Yet some people write but are not fond of it.
This was the premise for a business venture I made a go at, but that didn’t take off. I know a lot of artists, for example, who can express themselves eloquently in paint, clay, wood, metal, fabric, and other media – but written words? Not so much.
I love to play with words. The two games on my phone I play most frequently are both word games. I pride myself on a broad vocabulary, and I am a frequent reader.
Writing, for me, is nearly a compulsion. But identifying what I don’t write has been important because it’s kept me from a job or two.
Do you write just for money? Do you write for love? Is writing in your heart and soul, or not? This matters because it will have an impact on how your messages come out.
If I were to write without passion – without any fire behind my work – you’d not read it. Nobody would. Why? Because it wouldn’t be engaging. If I am not into these words, why in the hell would you be?

Know what you don’t write
This is what it’s good to identify what you don’t write. When you can put a finger on what you don’t write – when you love to write – it will keep you working with passion and focus.
Of the three nodes in which I write, I am least into business writing. I will do content for websites, brochures, and other materials for business – but if I can get paid for my non-fiction or fiction first, they win. These are where my passion most exists.
That’s not to say I don’t take pride in the content I write for business. I absolutely do. But while I like it, I don’t love it to the same degree as my other work.
What I don’t write for business is a matter of conscience. You could offer me a ludicrous amount of money to write vape ads, political propaganda contrary to my values, or anything else I don’t agree with or believe in – and I will reject it. My integrity and values mean far more to me than money.
Words matter. They are powerful. I believe that my words have power – and I will not create them for a cause I cannot or do not support. It would be deeply distressing if I knew that my words might do harm.
When this happens unintentionally – and it will – I still feel bad. But since my intent was not meant to be harmful – I can apologize, learn from the experience, and move on.
Knowledge is power. Writing is a part of knowledge. Knowing what you do and don’t write is a matter of mindfulness, integrity, and your personal empowerment.
There are things I don’t write – for numerous reasons explained above. What don’t you write?
Thank you for being a part of my ongoing journey. Thank you for joining me, and for inspiring me and my art.
This is the seventy-second article exploring the creative process. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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