What do you do when you can’t find the words?

This seems to be an issue not just with my writing of late, but beyond. Yet let’s look at the writing aspect.
Recently, I completed a new sci-fi comedy called Jay and Char Save the Galaxy. This will be edited down the line, and I’m aiming to publish it in 2025.
Meanwhile, having finished my Savagespace epic sci-fi series, I’m now working on going over the edits of book 1, editing book 2, and recording the audiobook of book 1. The goal is to release these in the fall of 2024.
I also wrote a new standalone short story for my newsletter subscribers. This is part of my quarterly offering to my subscribers, and this is something of a sequel or extended post-script to my Infamy Ascending fantasy/Steampunk novel.
Thus, writing has been going on, as has editing. However, now I’m still contending with a dilemma that I’m not finding a solution to.
What do I write now?
Choosing the next project
For some reason beyond my ability to explain, presently, I am undecided about which project to do next.
For my business as an indie author, I divide my time mostly between writing and editing. In addition to that, I also put time into reworking certain aspects of my website, blogging, and handling other matters. Apart from this work, I have 2 part-time gigs doing various work for a couple of different entrepreneurs.
When it comes to writing, I strive to do 1500 words of fiction a day, minimum. Ergo, even with the large amount of editing I presently have, I need to be writing, too.
There are currently three semi-active projects in my writing queue. Each is at various degrees of preparedness to be turned into books.
The most complete is the outline for 4 more books in my Forgotten Fodder clone sci-fi series. I recently reread this and it’s looking good. Yet, for some reason, it’s not currently calling to me.
The next is The Dalshuzo Accords. This is a return to fantasy, swords and sorcery, but with a different kind of world. Rather than the usual medieval setting, there will be batteries, solar power, and some other degrees of tech beyond what you normally get. If it’s not been done elsewhere, this might be the creation of a subgenre you could call Solarpunk. However, I can’t quite get the plot to coalesce, and I’m still undecided on how much magic will be in this world and if humans can use it.
The third project is tentatively titled Sam Yeager. Gentleman Space Pirate. Yes, sci-fi. A basic idea is in place and elements of the worldbuilding are complete. Yet I’m still uncertain of how to tell this story.
Thus, I’m in the middle of some decision paralysis.
What do I do when the words won’t come?
Sometimes I sit at my keyboard and achieve flow. The words come, the sentences form, paragraphs reveal themselves, and in time a page of text is finished. Then a chapter, more chapters, and before I know it, I have another finished book.
This is never without ebb and flow. There are good writing days and no writing days. However, there’s no such thing as a bad writing day, to me. Sure, some of the writing I produce might be craptacular, or it might be weak as all get out. Yet writing and getting the words from my head to the screen is never bad.
The trouble comes when the words won’t come. This blog post, for example, took a long time to get started. I sat at my keyboard, stared at the screen, pondered topics. Dismissed them. Started a thought but couldn’t complete it. I distracted myself with social media, then my phone, then back to staring at the screen. Checked email. Went to get a glass of water. Again, back to this.
The words were not coming. Then, it dawned on me. Oh, look at that, I just gave myself a topic to explore.
For the past two weeks, except for the short story I wrote for my newsletter subscribers, I’ve been largely staring at half-baked ideas, world-building docs, maps, Google searches for info to expand on certain ideas, and the like. However, none of the three semi-active projects is calling to me.
I intend to bring all three of these projects to the next level. Yet none are speaking to me, calling to me. So, what do I do?

Choices and decisions
I’ve determined that writing must resume. This is my livelihood, and to be prolific means I need to write.
Also, I’m compelled to write. I love this action, and even when the words won’t come, I still put in effort to find them.
Thus, in all likelihood, what I will do is start with the most complete project and begin the next Forgotten Fodder quartet of books. This means I need to hunker down, breathe into it, and get the work started.
To some degree, because of the thorough planning already done, this feels like a copout. However, I know that it’s not. I love the characters of this series and when I recently revisited my outline, I got excited. It just wasn’t enough excitement to get me started on the actual books.
Making a choice and deciding to act, however, will get the juices flowing. Also, having no set deadline at present, I can work on this and also put some time and energy into the other ideas. I can get the Dalshuzo Accords worked out as well as the Sam Yeager. Gentleman Space Pirate idea.
To begin, I just need to focus. Center myself. Calm my racing mind and silence the chittering of the damned brain weasels.
The words will come when called
Despite struggling when I began this essay, here I have words, sentences, paragraphs, and a near-complete work. I’ve gone through the process of finding and creating an idea. Then put that idea down and set the words to the screen to share this concept with you.
Why? Because I know I’m not alone. All creatives go through challenges, blocks, and a deficit of motivation and/or ideas. The ongoing process is as it states – ongoing. Yet even when I struggle, I can and will create original work and share the process like this to help you and anyone else who takes the time and effort to read and relate to this. Or not.
What do you do when you can’t find the words? For me, the answer is to keep searching. Maybe they’re not here now, but they always come when called. This is what ultimately brings me joy. So, making it happen is not a slog. Struggles and challenges are opportunities. This is where growth, discovery, and potential and possibilities become tangible.
This feels good. I’m glad I’ve shared this here.
Thanks for reading. As I share my creative journey with you, I conclude with this: How are you inspired to be your own creator – whatever form that takes?
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