Let this unparalleled situation be the impetus as an ultimate creator for tremendous creativity.
Are you staying home to both avoid contracting and potentially spreading Covid-19? The vast majority of the people I know are.
This entire situation is unprecedented. Nothing like this has ever happened in our lifetimes, and it’s having a lot of different impacts on people. What the other side of this will look like, I optimistically believe, will be a net positive when all is said and done.
One way to help this along is for the artists among us to do our art. Be a creator, an ultimate creator, and art like you have never arted before. Make your paintings, write your stories, and allow your inner artist to be as creative as possible.
What are people looking for as distractions and diversions? Arts, of course. Books, virtual museum tours, TV and movies are a great source of both entertainment and distraction. As an artist, this is a good time to add to that.
Capitalistic and cold? No, not at all. Unlike certain politicians who have taken advantage of their foreknowledge to make a profit, artists are doing what they always do: We do our work and hope that you will enjoy it and pay us for it, too.
If I am being handed lemons, I am going to make some damned lemonade. And it is going to be awesome.
What art are you doing?
Currently, I am recording a couple of audiobooks for other authors. These are better than several of the previous books I recorded, frankly.
I am writing articles, such as this one, and my regular mindfulness/conscious reality creation/positivity self-improvement stuff. Right now, while the world is undergoing a lot of insanity as a result of Covid-19 – and people being isolated to stop the spread of the virus – the focus is pretty set. It dominates just about everything going on in the world – so it is impacting my writing, too.

Like this article, however, I am encouraging taking as positive an attitude as you can. I suggest using this opportunity to do some good for yourself and the world. If you are healthy and staying in to remain that way and keep others safe, this gives you something to do. Be an ultimate creator and make more art!
Along that line, I am moving forward with my next book. At long last, Book One of The Void Incursion, my new sci-fi series, is just about ready to be published. I have been working with an incredible cover artist to make this one stand out from my other works.
Opening Gambit is edited, formatted, and the final touches are being made. I am pleased to inform you that it will go on sale Friday, May 8th!
For the first time, I will be doing a lot of pre-launch things and am looking into marketing opportunities to take it to the next level.
More art is more good! I am still working on the blurb for the book and will be sharing that soon, too.
What should you be doing?
If you are anything like me, a part of you feels like being an ultimate creator is selfish. In the face of this epic insanity and pandemic virus, how can you take the time to do your own work? Shouldn’t you be doing something bigger?
Let’s break this down, shall we? Are you a scientist? Have you got the capability and know-how to research a vaccine or cure? Chances are the answer is no. So, that’s right out.
Are you a community leader who can help protect people in some way or another? Can you offer a safe shelter or deliver supplies to those who are in need? If the answer is yes, then go for it. If not – if YOU are immunocompromised or susceptible to pulmonary issues – then no, you need to just stay put.
Should you just be a vegetable, watching TV mindlessly and worrying about what will happen next? Of course not. Instead, be a creator. Make some art.
Write. Paint. Sculpt. Build something. Cook something. Sing and/or play music. Do whatever it is that you love and do it with all the passion you can muster.
That, in turn, will help others. How? By showing them that life is still going on.
It utterly feels like life is currently on hold. Like we are frozen in time, halting all forms of normalcy. To combat that – there needs to be creation.
This moment sucks. For most, this is scary, disheartening, and freaky. Rather than contribute to the fear and panic of the collective consciousness – be a beacon and create a point of light in the dark.
You are worthy and deserving of being an ultimate creator
If you have a day job that normally keeps you from your art, or that takes priority, or if you are still performing your work duties – then keep at it.
But odds are you have less to do, so you have more time to work on other projects. Be a creator.
You don’t have to be a full-time uber-talented professional to be an ultimate creator. Take your passion, whatever art it is for, and share it.

I am a writer. However, I am not Neil Gaiman, Paulo Coelho, Lindsay Buroker, or some other best-seller. Neither am I a top writer on Medium.com like Shannon Ashley, Ayodeji Awosika, or Brianna Wiest. But that makes me no less worthy to do my work than any of them.
My art is just as worthy and deserving as being put out there as any other’s. And that applies to you, too. You and your art are worthy and deserving of being shared.
Take your passion, be an ultimate creator, and make the most of this time. Let this unparalleled situation be the impetus for tremendous creativity.
Thank you for taking part in my ongoing journey.
Thank you for joining me, and for inspiring me and my art.
This is the fifty-first article exploring the creative process. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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