On the one hand, today is like most every day. But on the other – a new beginning.
Today I am publishing the first book in my new science fiction series.
Sci-fi is my first love. It began when my parents took me to see Star Wars when I was five in 1977. From there, I was utterly hooked, and love the movies, TV, and books of the science-fiction world.
So – please allow me a moment of Shameless Self Promotion:

The Void Incursion- Book One – Opening Gambit
For tens of thousands of years, the races of a far-off galaxy have co-existed, mostly civilly. Over the millennia, each has spread beyond the cradle and created vast societies, kingdoms, nations, associations, and other identities across multiple solar systems.
While the universe still has much uncharted territory, the greatest enigma is the void. The emptiness between galaxies has always been a source of mystery and disquiet, but none are prepared when a new threat emerges from the unknown darkness.
A former starfighter pilot, a deposed queen, a broker of commodities and influence, a pirate crew, and an average family man find their lives upended in a myriad of ways – both separately and together. All will face choices and challenges that lead to confrontation with the extragalactic invaders, whether they like it or not.
The opening gambit of the void incursion will forever change life across the galaxy.
The only question is…how much?
As you can probably imagine – I am super excited about this!
Not my first rodeo
Of course, I have already published two novels in my Source Chronicles fantasy series, the first novel of my Steampunk Vapor Rogues series, my humorous narrative/memoir, a spiritual fiction, and three non-fiction books.
While none of these have been best-sellers or made quite the splash I had hoped they would, Opening Gambit is what I hope is the start of a new and prosperous creation.
Book Two – Critical Position – is already being edited professionally, and I will be publishing it in November. Book Three – Strategic Crush – is complete and awaiting my first round of edits. I plan its publication for May 2021. The unnamed fourth book is underway, and I plan to publish it by November of 2021.
One new book every six months. That is exciting! Can I maintain the momentum and keep putting new books out every six months? Some authors publish even faster than that – and get new works out every 3-4 months. So – if they can do that I can do this.
The other big difference this time has been a month of pre-sales, hiring a professional to make me an incredible book cover, and getting help with the blurb. I also have put money into getting some publicity work done.
I will not give up if this does not get me where I desire to go as a writer – but I also believe this IS where it truly begins – and it begins today.
Following my passion today
For almost eight-and-a-half years I have been blogging about my personal philosophy – Pathwalking. All this time I have been discussing conscious reality creation and mindfulness.
There are so many different takes on this. Some are realistic, others pie-in-the-sky. In some instances, there are great and practical ideas while in others you’re presented hooky-spooky oddities. And you can base some reasoning for practical mindfulness in the self-help/inspiration world and some in psychology.
The key is to avoid toxic positivity aspects. You cannot create anything from nothing at all. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are all necessary elements to making anything.
Do you want to be an astronaut? Great – you probably should take up a science that will get you into space or join the Air Force or something. Otherwise, make a boatload of money to get on a Virgin Galactic flight.
You will not become an astronaut just sitting there, asking-believing-receiving in the void.
When I wrote as a kid it was an all-consuming act. The 50-page illustrated novel I finished at age nine, the unfinished illustrated novel I worked on for a few years after that, the first typed 36-page story I created in middle school – and then the technothriller short story I won an award for as a Junior in High School – all were created with passion and intent.
When I realized later that writing is my true passion, I had to overcome doubts. For a long time, I had been told that writer was not a profitable career choice. Even when I began to pursue it in earnest, I realized I had to deprogram a lot of my thought process.

Hurdles to still overcome
Yes, I have published multiple times. I have not yet reached the level of sales I desire to – but I am still working on it. The new plan for this particular sci-fi series is clearer and better defined than a lot of my other work has been.
I am more focused on increasing my overall brand-recognition. To improve upon that I have to do a lot of work. But the first steps are within me.
I need to believe in me. It’s up to me to believe I am worthy and deserving of taking this where I desire for it to go. The only person in my head capable of adjusting this is me.
I have come a long way on this journey. But this is just a new beginning.
Today is the day. Today I begin to experience life how I desire to – and this new novel is the starting point for being the writer I know I am capable of being.
Thank you for taking part in my ongoing journey. Thank you for joining me, and for inspiring me and my art.
This is the fifty-eighth article exploring the creative process. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
Feel free to explore the rest of the website, which I am working to evolve and change for the better…much like I am doing for myself. Also, visit Awareness for Everyone to check out my weekly podcasts.
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