Sharing these worlds with you brings me joy.

Presently, I have four unique worlds I have shared via writing. One is a potential future of humanity 550 years into the future. Another is a remarkable fantasy world where sorcery exists called t’Thera. One of my worlds is a magical Steampunk world called Amasheer where most of the people live above a perpetual cloud layer. Then I have multiple worlds, a variety of aliens and humans not from Earth, set in a whole other galaxy.
Next year I am adding a 5th world to those I share – a sci-fi series full of surprisingly familiar alien life thousands of years into our future.
These are just the worlds in my head that I’ve written and published (or in the case of the Savagespace Saga, coming in 2022, will be publishing). There are a whole lot of other worlds in my head that have been half-written or never put to a page or screen at all.
This is why my website and business tagline is Writer / Editor / Voice Artist / World-Builder. One of the greatest joys I have in writing sci-fi and fantasy comes from building whole new worlds full of color and life both like and unlike what we already know.
All artists have worlds in their heads. The painter may be doing a familiar landscape – but their rendering and medium chosen is unique. Abstract art is certainly art of another world. Likewise, when a woodworker turns sheets of plywood into a table or a sculptor turns clay into a bowl – they’re sharing worlds from their heads.
Despite being fictional – the worlds in my head are real to me. And sharing them is an act of joy.
Walking the line between creativity and insanity
I can’t speak for other writers – but most I know share this view. The characters, worlds, situations, and everything we place on the page or screen are nearly as real to us as the world in which we live.
The worlds in my head are as alive to me as the world itself. Maybe I don’t comprehend it via my six senses in the same way – but it’s still alive in my imagination.
I can’t deny that this might, to some people, seem crazy. There are any number of tropes and real situations where people hearing voices in their heads is a bad thing.
I believe that this is why so many of the greatest creatives in history have walked the line between creativity and insanity. But this isn’t about true, diagnosed insanity – it’s more a matter of overall mental health.
While many have survived this and not lost out to mental health issues – anxiety, depression, fear, uncertainty, schizophrenia, bipolar, and so on – we’ve lost many greats to these diseases. Who knows what Van Gogh or Robin Williams might have created next had they not killed themselves?
Of course, you don’t need to have any mental health issues to be an artist – but many of us do. For me, writing is cathartic, makes me feel good, and empowers me to continue creating.
I am aware of myself and my mental health issues. But knowing this, I also know that sharing my many worlds is positive, joyful, and empowering. Frankly – it keeps me as close to sane as I can get.
Envisioning our world, better
In addition to all the wild sci-fi and fantasy worlds I have in my head – I also envision THIS world better than it is.
We live in a time where we can connect instantly, across the globe. You and I have the power to share ideas, hopes, fears, and dreams. On the other hand, the tools and technologies that connect us to one another disconnect us from ourselves.
This is evident when you watch so many of our so-called leaders divide and conquer us. All the artifices of “us” versus “them”; various divisions based on superficial ideas like gender, religion, skin color, nationality, and so forth; and emphasizing materialism over mindfulness disempowers us all. These are employed to create conflict where none needs to exist.
As my favorite quote by Albert Einstein goes,
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
Each and every one of us perceives reality uniquely. Though there is a collective consciousness we all feed into – and from – it’s made up of our individual perspectives and perceptions.
This is why I write about mindfulness, positivity, and conscious reality creation four times a week. Because I have ideas to help myself and everyone else to envision this world better than it is now.
When Gene Roddenberry created Star Trek, one of his messages was that humanity could be incredible. We could be better than we are – and his future was all about that. Sure, some people still sought wealth and power – but society, the world as a whole, worked to better themselves and explore potential and possibility.
Thus, among the fantasy and sci-fi worlds I construct – I strive to build this world we live in better. I share my vision of a kinder, more compassionate, empathetic, and reason-based world.

Worlds of potential and possibility
Okay, you might find this cheesy – but bear with me here. Working with mindfulness, conscious reality creation, and positivity, I have a bunch of affirmations and mantras I run through regularly. One goes like this:
I am a successful writer who empowers people to be inspired (and inspires people to be empowered).
It is for this reason that I share the worlds in my head. Both the various and sundry fictional worlds (people, places, and things) as well as this world – our world – better. Because others have inspired ME along the way – and I want to give that back.
I believe that sharing the words in my head opens the door for others to do the same. Because when we see that we’re not alone – and that there is potential and possibility for all – we are empowered.
Some people see the world as unfortunate, sad, scary, and fearful. But not me. I see this world as full of potential and possibility. It can be an amazing, incredible place.
Visions of this world, improved, have given us tools that were unimaginable just half a century ago. We are not stuck in this place – we have evolved before and will evolve again. That’s because change is the only constant in the Universe.
How you view life, the Universe, and everything is a choice. Thus, you decide if you see the world full of lack and impossibility or potential and possibility.
I believe that sharing visions of other worlds is an act of potential and possibility. Maybe they are just figments of my imagination – but who’s to say they won’t empower or inspire creativity on the part of you or someone else?
Sharing worlds is an act of joy
Finally – sharing these worlds with you brings me joy. The world needs more joy – and if I can create and share some, then I feel accomplished and successful.
Maybe it’s cheesy, and a little hooky-spooky – but why does that matter? Feeling good, having hope, and experiencing joy is empowering. There are too many dark and unpleasant notions we can find with little to no effort. To counter them and create better balance we need more joy.
Maybe my writing isn’t to your taste. That’s okay – because you can’t please all the people all the time. In working with my joy – and sharing both the fantastical worlds of my imagination and my visions of this world, improved – I believe I expand that out to you. Joy multiplies – and the good feelings it produces help us see reason and overcome fear.
That, to me, is utterly worthwhile. Welcome to my worlds.
Thank you for reading!
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