Your creations matter – even when it feels like they don’t.

As an artist, how many of the following have you experienced?
- Nobody wants to read my book/buy my art.
- Why am I bothering to do this? It’s been done before.
- Who cares about me and my creations?
- Many creations like mine already exist. Why should I finish?
- Who am I to think my art has value?
- Nobody is going to care if I never share my art.
I’ve experienced all of these at one time or another. I am a sci-fi and fantasy author. There are lots and lots of others out there. Many have created amazing works that got turned into TV shows and movies. Who in the hell do I think I am trying to add my voice to this crowded field?
The answer is – I am a unique voice. What’s more, my creations matter – even when it feels like they don’t.
Just because others have done art similar to what you do means that it’s worth doing. So why shouldn’t you?
Still, it can feel like you are screaming into the void. Does anyone give a rat’s ass? Why should I?
Because nobody has your voice, your vision, but you.
The world deserves all the viewpoints
I admire many fantasy writers. Neil Gaiman, George RR Martin, David Eddings, and more.
These authors may write fantasy – but their viewpoints are not the same. Their narratives are different. Is one better or more valid than another? No.
I admire a lot of different painters. Pablo Picasso. Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh, and more.
These painters all use colorful paints on canvas – but their styles and viewpoints are not the same. Their types of painting are different. Is one better or more valid than another? No.
I can apply the above concepts to all other creatives. Chefs, sculptures, actors, musicians, woodworkers – pick any or all of the above. Each artist’s creations are unique to them – and equally of value.
I love the music of Barenaked Ladies (BNL). They’re incredible musicians and performers. Likewise, I love the movie scores of John Williams. These are not the same, but can both evoke emotion and feeling. I will sing along with BNL in the car while I write to the score from Williams’ The Empire Strikes Back. I value both – different as they are.
What’s more – my life would be less without them. I’ve seen BNL live eight times – and will see them again. I’ve listened to The Empire Strikes Back score while writing virtually everything that I have. It is a quintessential part of my writing music repertoire.
The viewpoints represented by these different musicians are no more nor less valid and important than the other.
Your creations, while maybe not to this level of familiarity or popularity, are no less valid and important.

You and your creations matter
I’m pretty sure I have not reached even one-half of one percent of the popularity of any well-known sci-fi or fantasy author. Thus far, my book sales are meh. Some days, it feels like I am screaming endlessly into a void – and nobody cares.
And to be honest – that might be true. I recognize that nobody gives a shit about my writing. Not really.
But that’s okay. Because there are people who read my work and like it. I know people are inspired by the blogs I write and post. This work matters to me.
I believe in my art. There are a lot of untold stories, interesting and bizarre characters, and unique situations in my head. Always have been. And I believe that they are worth telling and sharing. So, I write.
My voice is not similar to Asimov, Clarke, Dick, or any other sci-fi author. But that doesn’t lessen its value – nor is the world less deserving of me sharing it.
Whatever art you do and creations you make, you and your creations matter. That’s because you are an inimitable individual with a unique voice that the world deserves to experience.
Every known artist began as an unknown. They had no voice; they were not recognized. Hell, some artists weren’t recognized for their genius until well after they were gone. Still, the world deserves all creations – because it would be less without them.
Can you imagine a world without books, paintings, sculptures, statues, music, or other human-made art? I can’t. For every known creator and their creations, there are likely hundreds, perhaps thousands less well-known. All of them – all of us – matter.
Why does the world deserve your creations?
Because they can only be made by you. Perhaps your art is similar to the style, context, genre, composition of another. That’s okay. Your version will be unique because you are unique.
The world deserves all the art and artists in it because we make the world more colorful, more beautiful, more connected. Our creations connect people to one another with shared love and passion, opens minds and hearts, and inspires empowerment, joy, and more.
Bullshit, right? How do you feel when anyone, no matter how seemingly insignificant, compliments your creations? It feels great, right?
How do you feel if anyone, no matter how seemingly insignificant, tells you that your work made them feel inspired, empowered, or opened their creative flow? It feels incredible, right?
Those are the reasons why the world deserves your creations. Without them, those people wouldn’t experience what they have – nor would you.
I know I am not writing Great American Novels. Sci-fi and fantasy are niche genres. But that doesn’t mean the world doesn’t deserve my work to be shared for the same above reasons.
You and your creations build better in the world. I know that it seems pointless sometimes, and that lack of recognition – whether in sales or just being a known quantity – can be infuriating. But we are not alone – and the world deserves our creations.
You are a unique voice. And your voice is worthy and deserving of being heard. The world deserves your creations. Even when that feels like a lie it is not.
YOU matter. Because you matter, so do your creations. Keep at it – keep going.
Thank you for bringing your vision to us all. Thank you for creating what you do.
Thank you for being part of my ongoing journey, for joining me, and for inspiring me and my craft.
This is the one-hundred and twentieth article exploring the ongoing creative process. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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