So, what am I working on now?

On Friday, September 29, I finished the last page of the last book of my new Savagespace series. After a lot of world-building, layout, plotting, and planning – the final book has been finished.
Originally, this was going to be a 6-book series. However, as I worked on it and completed books, it was increasingly clear that I have 1-3 novels and 1-3 novellas, depending on word counts. As I wait to hear back from the beta readers currently going over books 1 and 2 combined, I’m inclined to turn my 6-book series into 3 books instead.
Whatever the case might be, and however I decide to approach this – the writing of the Savagespace series is done. After not quite a year and a half, this work is complete.
No, I’m not done with Savagespace, per se. The first 2 books combined as one are with beta readers, and when they’re done, I’ll need to do editing and reworking. After that – or simultaneously – I’ll need to have the first books edited and get beta readers to look at the combined books 3 and 4. Plus cover art, plus having some other images made (because I have ideas for pre-promoting the series before I release it).
Editing, marketing, more editing, more marketing – and Savagespace will be out there.
So, if reaching “the end” is a new beginning – and it is – what am I working on now?
Planning, plotting, world-building, and writing
Let’s look at what I have on my plate, shall we?
Check and Mate – Void Incursion Book 5 – is with the editor now. Cover art is also being worked on. The anticipated publication is November 21, 2023.
Currently awaiting a trip to the editor are Clouds of Destiny – Vapor Rogues Book 2 and Harbinger – Source Chronicles Book 3.
Alliances and Consequences – Savagespace Book 1 – is with beta readers. I’m currently doing my first edit of Revelations and Reconciliations – Savagespace Book 2.
I’ve plotted out 4 more books for Forgotten Fodder – a whole new case and conspiracy for the team to work out a year after the events of the first 4 books. There will be 1 more book in Vapor Rogues – Clouds of Anarchy, and 2 more books in the Source Chronicles series (I started Book 4 – Guardians – some years back).
In addition to all of this, for about the past 6 months, I’ve been planning out a new fantasy series and another sci-fi story. For the former, there have been maps drawn, and the basics of a plot started. For the latter, some background information was laid out, and the basics of the plot started.
Then, a month ago, another sci-fi idea hit me like a ton of bricks. It would be a sci-fi comedy, possibly even absurdist like Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books. Unlike other works I’ve done, there’s already some dialogue for this. It will be a standalone – however, I can see potential for more books with the characters I’m creating.
Planning, plotting, and world-building are underway – but I have slowed far more than desired.
Reaching “the end” and a new beginning
I created several daily goals for myself to reach Monday-Friday. Some of this is to keep me on track overall – working from home as I do can make for stupid easy distractions.
When it comes to writing – the goal is 1500 words a day. Note – that’s specific to my fiction writing. Blogs don’t count because they’re scheduled in such a way that I know I’ll do them. I can’t explain, this is one of those weird brain-chemistry/headspace things I can’t adequately expound upon.
My 1500 words a day aren’t necessarily chapters of books. It also includes any world-building, planning, plotting, and the like, attached to a work of fiction.
This has gained a level of complexity now that I’m no longer working as a pantser. In case you aren’t familiar with this word – a pantser is a writer who writes by the seat of their pants. You sit at the keyboard or with a blank page and pen and write it out as you go. While I still improv elements of my storytelling within a given plan – dialogue is, mostly, not something I plan at all in advance of its writing – I like the clarity of purpose working from an outline gives me.
This, FYI, is a complete 180 towards my approach to writing. But it’s creating a new challenge that’s coming from decision paralysis of a sort.
For this new idea with the comedy – I’m laying out some world-building of necessity. But because it falls into a rather unique category for work on my part – I’m facing uncertainty about multiple elements of the story, plot, and approach. Thus, for a week, I didn’t make my 1500-word fiction goal at all.
I wrote, but not at my desired pace.

I’ve reached “the end” and had a new beginning before
I can and will do it again. There’s just some hesitancy on my part because I’m out of my comfort zone and delving back into the unknown.
The year-plus of writing the Savagespace series became a comfort zone. It was known, familiar, and thus comfortable. But now it’s done, I reached “the end” – and there’s more to write.
I’ve done this before. There are more than 12 fiction books available to the world at large that I wrote from start to finish. There is 1 finished book at the editor, 2 more awaiting the editor, and 3 others in various states of doneness.
Clearly, I can start and finish a book.
First, I need to let go of negative feelings about not getting my work done adequately last week. This is normal, a totally human thing, so I need to let it go. Yes, my negative feelings about not writing my goal of 1500 words a day are valid. But holding onto them and allowing them to dominate my headspace does me no good. Hence – letting it go.
New week, new start, new beginning. I write because I love to tell stories, and this is the best means to the end of creating and sharing those with the world.
What’s more, as part of my ongoing, deep-seated desire to empower people to be inspired and inspire people to be empowered, writing is a compulsion that helps me share that message in various ways.
Rather than dread, I face this new beginning with chosen excitement. What will this idea produce?
Thanks for reading.
As I share my creative journey with you, I conclude with this – how are you inspired to be your own creator – whatever form that takes?
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