This was a major goal to reach – what I do next is an interesting question.

During the height of the pandemic in 2020, I determined that I needed to write and publish more.
In 2020, I published 3 books – the first two novels of my Void Incursion series; and a standalone fantasy featuring an alternate take on the hero’s journey via the villain’s journey with Infamy Ascending.
But I decided I could do more. Taking a wholly new approach to the writing process, I plotted an entirely new series. Thus, Forgotten Fodder was born.
With that, I intended to publish 6 new novels in 2021. Two more Void Incursion novels and all 4 Forgotten Fodder novels, encompassing a singular story arc.
Come Tuesday, November 23rd, I will achieve my goal with the publication of Bold Moves.
I have reached my goal! This is super exciting. Six novels in 1 year was pretty ambitious. But I did it.
Yet, I’m still a writer. There are still stories for me to tell. Thus, there is still an important question looming before me, here at the end of this goal.
What do I do next?
With the exception of death (probably), no end is ever the end. Ergo, when you reach one goal – it’s time to choose another.
I’ve considered if I can top this year, and maybe publish 8 novels in 2022.
To be sure, I have the material. Presently, I’ve plotted out 11 books. They include the last Void Incursion novel, a new 4-book story arc for Forgotten Fodder, and 6 books in a new sci-fi series called Savagespace. Additionally, I am finalizing edits to the 3rd Source Chronicles novel, Harbinger.
While I believe that I could once more do the work necessary to put out that many books – there are some other factors I must take into consideration.
First – I have picked up a new freelance gig. I am doing something pretty cool with this gig – and it’s helping me to pay my bills. Which I can’t ignore (much as that would be cool sometimes).
Second – I will need a new editor, and while I have acquired a new (and awesome) cover artist, those impact how much it costs to create a novel. Self-publishing via KDP has no cost to it – but the cover art and editing do. Having covers made for 6 novels plus edits of each book has had an impact on my bottom line.
Ergo, publishing 6 novels in 2022 is probably not my best idea.
So, what will I do next?
At this time, I am actively writing the 5th and final Void Incursion novel. It will be published in 2022. Likewise, I will finish my edits on Harbinger and set it out for publishing in 2022 as well.
The question is – do I start the next story arc for Forgotten Fodder? Or do I begin creating Savagespace? Do I aim to publish just the 2 novels for 2022, or more?
Writing is just one part of the process
As I consider having reached my goal and questioning what I do next – I also must balance my freelance work.
To be fair, other authors produce even more books in a year than my 6. But I think, at least for 2022, I am going to strive for 3 or 4 books total. More than likely – one per quarter.
That might change. It’s possible I just can’t do enough writing to accommodate such a schedule. There are a lot of unknowns right now. On top of that – my freelance gigs are rather scattered, taking up an hour here, a couple of hours there, just a few minutes here, and so on randomly.
But recognizing this, I will set a new goal. Optimally, I would like to publish 4 books in 2022. One per quarter. This will likely be nearer the end of the quarter – ideally March, June, September, and November (because it’s best to get books out before the holidays).
This may prove too ambitious – and if it is, rather than beat myself up, I will skip the first quarter and aim to only publish 3 books next year.
On the plus side, one is already done – it just needs to be edited. But it is a long book – and I will aim to publish it in the 3rd quarter.
Also – I need to hire a new editor.
Writing, frankly, is the easy part. It’s the rest – and thinking a lot about it – that can make my head swim.

There is always something to do next
Yes, I have 11 novels plotted, only 1 of which I’ve begun to write. But they are only a small sampling of writing I intend to do. I have the basic idea for at least 2 more story arcs for Forgotten Fodder. Also, I intend to go back to book 4 of The Source Chronicles – Guardians – and eventually write the 5th and final book of that series.
Writing is my passion. I love to create people, places, and situations in fantasy, sci-fi, and Steampunk settings. As such, there will always be new goals for my writing practices.
Quitting is not an option. Done is not done. No end is the end. No matter what the goal, whatever art, creative, or even non-creative form it is within, there’s always another to be found.
If you – like me – are a writer, artist, or another form of creative – keep creating! Setting goals is excellent. Reaching goals is amazing. But it’s not the end. Celebrate, enjoy the victory – then get back to work.
Thank you for being part of my ongoing journey, for joining me, and for inspiring me and my craft.
This is the one-hundred and thirty-sixth article exploring the ongoing creative process. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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