My third year attending the sci-fi con is here.

Towards the end of 2021, after publishing 9 books in 2 years, I determined that I needed to start attending more conventions. Searching for cons a reasonable distance from home, I discovered Farpoint Con in Maryland.
While one of the predominant themes of Farpoint is Star Trek, they are a much wider-ranging sci-fi and fantasy con. At this con, they have a lot of interesting guest celebrities, authors, artists, scientists, and vendors. Additionally, they hold interesting panels on numerous topics, and I love to participate in these.
For those unfamiliar with a con, this is a networking opportunity both with other artisans and fans. Some people do pretty impressive cosplay, authors get to do readings, book signings, and sales, and there are also cool things to see and buy. The celebrities give interesting talks, too. There are also several social activities happening along the way.
This year the con is at a new venue, as the previous one closed at the end of October 2023. That was a decent site in many ways, but there was room for improvement. Not sure yet what the new hotel/convention space will be like.
Farpoint takes place from Friday to Sunday, and I’ve previously enjoyed meeting other authors and participating in the panels.
What will Farpoint 2024 look like for me?
I’ve been on some very cool panels the last couple of years. Last year, for example, I was on a panel all about podcasting (though my podcast has nothing to do with my fiction writing, my knowledge on the subject is quite vast). This year, the panels I am on are:
Dr Who – The History, Daleks, And More – Saturday 10:00 AM
We’ll discuss all things Doctor Who — including the return of David Tennant as the 10th… er… 14th Doctor!
For those who don’t know, I’m a big Doctor Who fan. My wedding had a whole Doctor Who theme to it, including a TARDIS chuppah I constructed. My wedding band is a fidget ring in circular Gallifreyan.
Author Autographs (Blehart) – Saturday Noon
I get to sign books!
Artificial Intelligence – Saturday 3:00 PM
How will AI impact the entertainment industry from writing to acting. Will AI change how we see the world? Can/will AI do the writing for us? Can/will it take the place of authors and actors? Or can/will it just be another tool like spellchecker or CGI generator?
Having done a bunch of work with Generative AI the past year, used a couple of different programs, and being the producer/editor of the AI For Creatives podcast, I think I have some insight into this topic,
Did We Win? – Saturday – 4:00 PM
The Mainstreaming of Geek Culture.
This will be fun!
Unique Takes On Old Tropes – Sunday 11:00 AM
Sometimes, you want to go back to the classics, whether it’s superheroes, witches, space captains, etc. And sometimes, audiences want their favorite tropes — enemies to lovers, hero’s journeys, and the like. How do you take the familiar and give it your own spin?
I’ve taken what I think are several unique spins on old tropes.

Stepping out of my comfort zone
Despite various things I do that make it appear otherwise – I am shyer and more introverted than I tend to present.
Yes, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time on stage in various forms. I love to do my podcast. Yet despite these public presentations of myself, I’m relatively introverted. When you take the writer into account that tends to make more sense.
This being my third year attending Farpoint, I’ve made some cool connections and acquaintances with people who also have been attending with me. However, I’ve yet to establish true friendships or find anyone I communicate with regularly. Ergo, I spend a lot of my time on my own during this weekend.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my own company. However, the networking element of Farpoint and getting greater personal and brand recognition is sort of the point. Thus, attending Farpoint and spending the weekend among so many new people is a step outside of my comfort zone.
Virtually all growth on every level in every life involves stepping out of your comfort zone. New things you seek to do involve various situations you’ve never experienced before. Hence, they’re frequently outside your comfort zone to a greater or lesser degree. For me, this means working to be more approachable, approaching people I am not familiar with, and participating in new opportunities that might present themselves.
Last year I did karaoke at the con on Friday night. While I love to sing, and am quite proud of my voice, doing so in this setting was a first. I’m already pondering what I might choose to perform this year.
While I know this will be fun there is some trepidation. Yet I’m also looking forward to it.
Beyond Farpoint
One of the things I’m doing in connection with Farpoint this year is introducing my next sci-fi series.
Savagespace is a trilogy I’ve been dropping some hints and information about for a while now. I started to write this series in mid-2022. Originally slated to be 6 books, each came out shorter than I’d intended, so I’ve decided to release this as a trilogy.
As of this weekend, at Farpoint, I will be revealing the cover and blurb for book 1 – Alliances and Consequences. I’ve nearly finished editing, following some input from various beta readers, and intend to send it out to an editor before the end of February.
My current plan is to publish Alliances and Consequences this fall. The question I’m still debating – and this requires me to do some research – is if I will release all three books at once, two at once, or release each book a month or so apart. I’m not sure what the best approach will be, save that I know all three need to come out close to one another.
Also, I’m going to have more art related to Savagespace created to use for promotional purposes. I’ll be passing out bookmarks at Farpoint as free bling and part of the series reveal.
If you are attending Farpoint this weekend, please stop by and say hi.
Thanks for reading. As I share my creative journey with you, I conclude with this: How are you inspired to be your own creator – whatever form that takes?
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