I can make this work the way I desire for it to.
For a very long time, I was really good at telling you what I did not desire to have in my life. I knew without a doubt what I didn’t want.
Not so long ago, I began to figure out what I DO desire. The exact specifics are a little fuzzy, which is not a bad thing…but I am still too bogged down in the how.
One quick tangential explanation here. Not-so-long-ago, it dawned on me, as I was playing with the power of words, how disempowering “want” is. As such. I have chosen to replace it mostly with “desire,” because that is an empowering word. Seriously, people, words matter, in especial when thinking/feeling/acting on them. “Desire” is an expression of abundance, while “want” is an expression of lack.
Ok, back on track. When I write that I can make this work, what I am referring to is my desire to create the life I most wish to lead. Consciousness creates reality, and I am doing things and taking steps to consciously create the reality I live in.
One of the things the various and sundry gurus, self-help experts and the like point out is that you need to know in a general, but at least somewhat specific way, what you desire to have. Details need to exist, but not super-fine ones. Maybe like looking in on a Google map, you should zoom in close, but not look at the street view. You have some notion of what the neighborhood looks like, but can’t see the facades.
The thing you simply cannot know is the how. I can make this work, but I do not know how. And, I do not need to know the how.
I can make this work. How doesn’t matter
This is where I frequently manage to trip myself up. I have an insatiable need to know HOW. When I cannot see the how, I spend a lot of time looking for it. Looking for how, when it comes to conscious reality creation, is totally a trap.
Why? Let’s face it – if I knew how I could make this work, probably I would have done it already. Since I don’t, and I am working to do something I have never done before, the how is an unknown.
It’s important to note that the how in question here is the greater how. There are niggling details, and means that those before me have left as examples which I can know the how of. But the overall how, that which will get me from where I am to where I desire to be…that remains a mystery.
There is nothing wrong with the mystery. The trouble comes when I get so focused on figuring out how, I neglect to give that which I desire to create sufficient thought and feeling. This is particularly problematic if I am performing actions in quest of the how, and neglecting the thought and feeling.
If I lose my awareness of what I am thinking and how I am feeling, I tend to get lost in a more general sense. That which I am striving for becomes more difficult. It’s rather crazy.
To make this work, I need to stop worrying about how it will work, and focus on the what. Like the answer to life, the universe, and everything being forty-two, the question is still a mystery. And probably should remain so.
I will make this work. Plots and plans
So what am I trying to make work? It is a combination of things, one part writing, one part voice work, one part public speaking.
I am editing a new conscious reality creation and general awareness book tentatively titled, You Are Amazing: How to Choose a Kickass Life. It is taken from the six plus years of Pathwalking on my blog. Not only do I intend to publish this in book and Kindle form, I also am plotting using my new recording equipment to record it as an audio book.

Last Friday I published my first Podcast. Awareness for Everyone is live, and I will be publishing new episodes every-other week, alternating with this blog.
Between these projects, I am hoping that I might be able to launch the voice-work career I’ve desired, since working in radio in college. Additionally, creating life-coaching options and doing some public speaking gigs from my conscious reality creation/awareness work would be pretty damned amazing.
As if that is not enough, I am still working on my awesome unnamed sci-fi novel, and need to take the time to get to editing The Source Chronicles Book III: Harbinger. I need to do my own re-edit, before sending it to a professional for a final edit.
How is this all going to come together? I have no idea. Except this, this is the thing I desire most to create in my life. I just know that this is the thing I desire to have. A little more clarity of detail, and I know I will make this work. Consciousness creates reality, and I am building a really awesome one!
Stay tuned for more progress. Thank you for joining me. Please take a moment to explore the rest of the website, which I am working to evolve and change for the better…much like I am doing for myself.
This is the sixth entry of my personal blog. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published writing, which can be found here.
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