Hell yes. Art and passion tend to be one and the same.

When I was very young – not quite 5 years old – my parents took me to see a movie that changed me forever.
That movie was Star Wars.
Thanks to A New Hope (which I will forever just call Star Wars), I developed a lifelong love of all things science fiction. That led to a similar love affair with all things fantasy.
I love anything that sparks my imagination. My love of fantasy led me to learn medieval fencing and other swordplay. And because I love storytelling above just about all else, this is why I began writing fiction.
When I was doing this as a hobby, everything that I wrote I was passionate about. Did that change when I shifted to a more professional approach? Not at all.
That’s why the creation of art is definitely an expression of passion.
Let’s define passion
For many people, passion invokes images of sweaty naked bodies. To be fair, that’s legit. But passion is far, far larger than that.
Dictionary.com offers the following in the definition of passion:
- any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
- strong amorous feeling or desire
- strong sexual desire
- a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything
- the object of such a fondness or desire:
Art very much fits into all these definitions. Often, art is created out of love (and hate – spite art is a thing), desire, and drive. For example – fiction, nonfiction, or business – I must write. I’m driven to put my fingers on the keys and bring the ideas in my head to the page and/or screen.
Passion for art – its creation, its admiration, its appreciation – is what makes it art. It inspires, upsets, excites, angers, empowers, and gives a voice like nothing else in the world can.
More than all this, passion is an expression of energy. It’s powerful and empowering and helps us to live as fully as we possibly can.
Passion can be about ice cream, animals, art, other people, sex, and many things both tangible and intangible.
I thoroughly believe that life without passion is dull and lacks color and motion.
We need these energies
Humankind is a creative, resourceful, innovative animal. If we weren’t, you’d not be reading this on the device you’re reading it on – if at all. We’d likely still be living in caves and huts, hunting and gathering like the rest of the animal kingdom.
Instead, we build amazing communities, structures, systems, and more. Additionally, we create things of beauty in painting, sculpture, the written word, and other media to express the creativity of our species.
And I mean species. Zero delineation of sex, gender, race, nationality, religion, socio-economic position, or any other divide you can imagine. Human beings, as a species, are uniquely creative. At least as far as planet Earth goes.
Sometimes, it’s easy to forget just how amazing this truth is. There are almost 8 million different species of animals on this planet – and humans alone have developed the ability to live in any climate, or environment, and explore for the sake of learning what’s beyond the known.
Art and its creation reflect all of this. Yet we often take for granted just how amazing this truly is. What’s more, the power of art and its impact on the energies and frequencies of us – and that which is all around us – for the good.
In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with messages of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency driving fear – art is a source of passion to raise the frequency of our energies for the better for all.

Passion drives life
Have you ever felt a desire to simply do something? There was a thing with a tangible or an intangible result that you just had to do? Maybe you felt utterly compelled to make that thing happen, whatever it was?
That’s passion. It’s the drive to make something happen, to create something from your heart and soul, to put something into the world that you just know to the core of your being needs to be there.
Some people do this frequently. That’s what drives professional artists to paint, write, sing, sculpt, act, and the like. Beyond artists, this same energy drives the performance of athletes, scientists, chefs, and other professionals to be the best that they can be.
Sometimes finding and engaging passion is a challenge. When life is kicking you around, pushing you down, and presenting challenges and difficulties on the regular, the drive can be pushed aside.
How can you reclaim it? By practicing a little mindfulness.
Mindfulness, art, and drive
Mindfulness is active conscious awareness. It’s engaged by being consciously aware, here and how, of what you’re thinking, what and how you’re feeling, what your intentions are, and what you are or aren’t doing – combined with any of your 6 external senses.
When you engage conscious awareness via mindfulness, you empower yourself to take control of who, what, where, how, and why you are. If you dislike, disapprove of, or otherwise have an issue with any of these you can opt to change them.
Passion for something tangible or intangible is an excellent reason to be consciously aware of life. Creating with passion empowers you on every level of your being. I don’t know about you, but I for one desire to engage that as often as possible to assume control and drive my life from behind the wheel.
Is the creation of art an expression of passion? Absolutely. But more than that – it’s empowerment we can employ to improve our lives, live with intention, and from there better our corner of this reality.
Thanks for reading. As I share my creative journey with you, I conclude with this – how are you inspired to be your own creator – whatever form that takes?
Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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