What I love is a combination of things that all tie to one thing.

I love storytelling.
Recently, I went to the big medieval event I attend every August with about 10,000+ people. For 9 days or so, I lived in a canvas square pavilion (10×10 feet, 5 poles, the center is about 9 feet tall). I spent time with friends just hanging out and talking, and did a ton of medieval fencing – both many single-combat and epic melees.
My favorite melee battle is the woods battle. We go into the woods at the edge of the campsite and run through the trees and uneven terrain to capture and hold 3 flags. When you “die” during the fight, you go back to “resurrect”, and fight again. (There are no limits on resurrection during the hour or so of combat). You can sneak up on someone through the woods and perform a “death from behind (DFB)”. This is done by placing your sword on your opponent’s shoulder so that the tip of your sword is visible, and you inform them (courteously) “You are dead from behind.”
I love moving through the trees, sword in each hand, trying to get the advantage over my opponent – and sneak up on them.
This has, over the years, generated epic stories for me to tell. Truth really is stranger than fiction sometimes. (One time, I got behind a line of the opposition and performed a DFB on 5 in a row before they noticed me).
Wherever the inspiration comes from, storytelling – truth or fiction – brings me joy. And it makes me feel most alive and connected to life, the Universe, and everything.
Whether I’m writing fiction or nonfiction, or doing some other form of work, storytelling is what I love to do.
Storytelling is my art
I’ve sat around many a campfire and told stories. Nearly every time I teach something new to a fencing student, they get a story about the how and why of what I’m showing them.
Every book that I write tells a story. The blogs I post regularly tell stories, too.
One of the best elements of my job is how much storytelling it involves. Between the magazine I help to edit and write for, the podcasts I produce and edit, and the other work I do for my entrepreneur boss, there is a constant flow of storytelling occurring.
Fiction, nonfiction, business – it doesn’t matter to me. Storytelling is what I love. From factual dissemination of information to creating a sci-fi or fantasy epic, I love the art of storytelling and all it entails.
I believe one of the largest issues I’ve had with jobs that I’ve held over the years comes from those where storytelling played little to no part. Tech support, for example, might generate some interesting stories. But the work doesn’t employ storytelling as a part of it.
Getting paid to do storytelling – whatever form that takes – is my focus as I’m striving to keep doing what I love.

Striving to keep doing what I love
To that end, there are several balls I have in the air right now. Striving to keep doing what I love takes many forms.
First – the writing. I’ve started the sixth and final book in my new Savagespace sci-fi epic. I’m also not far from completing editing the first two books of the new series – and will be seeking beta readers to help me tweak the story before I send it out for editing.
I’ve got 4 books ready to go to an editor. Of those 4, the one I most desire to get edited is the fifth and final novel of my Void Incursion sci-fi series – Check and Mate. I’d like to release it before the end of 2023. (I released 6 books in 2021 and none in 2022. I’d like to publish at least the conclusion of this series this year).
When it comes to series, my Forgotten Fodder clone and conspiracy sci-fi series goes to wide distribution beyond Amazon as of September 12. While already available as an audiobook beyond Audible, the eBook and paperback will be more widely available, too.
Along this line, starting near the end of August, I’ll be inviting people to sign up for my new newsletter via my website. With that, I’ll be sharing an exclusive Forgotten Fodder short story. My new newsletter will be monthly, and I intend to share other exclusive content with everyone who signs up quarterly.
Once I finish Savagespace, I have 4 new Forgotten Fodder books plotted. I’m also working on a potential standalone sci-fi and a new fantasy series.
I have so many stories to tell and look forward to sharing. Doing what I love is empowering and exciting.
Getting paid for doing what I love is ideal
I know too many people who are stuck in jobs and other situations where they too often are not doing what they love.
I get it. Yes, I need to earn money to pay my bills, too. This is an unavoidable truth of the society I live in.
More than once, I’ve not done what I loved to earn my living. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have found opportunities to employ my love of the art of storytelling to get paid. There are not sufficient words I can use here to express my gratitude for that.
There are times that I find I’m struggling – rather than striving – to keep doing what I love. But I know that in the end, it’s worthwhile. Of course, there will be times when it won’t work out how I’d prefer it to. Sometimes I need to do work that isn’t entirely what I love as part of getting paid to do what I love. But through it all, I’m grateful for what I have and what I am striving to develop, too.
I get one shot at this life experience in the body I occupy and the reality I inhabit. When all is said and done, I’d much rather strive to keep doing what I love than regret paths not taken and potential not explored. And I’m deeply grateful to be privileged to be able to do this.
Onwards and forwards. I have a lot of work to do. I wonder what new stories I’ll have for sharing?
As I share my creative journey with you, I conclude with this – how are you inspired to be your own creator – whatever form that takes?
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