Been many years, for many reasons, since I could say I am going to a con.

Several years back, now, there was the annual Steampunk World’s Fair in New Jersey.
It was a fun local convention (con) – especially since I was getting into Steampunk at that time.
In fact, I was so enamored of it that I wrote a Steampunk pirate/magic short story for the Spells and Swashbucklers anthology called The Vapor Rogues. Then, since I did a ton of world-building for that, I followed it up with the first novel of a series in the same universe called Clouds of Authority.
Publishing these afforded me another opportunity that was a first – presenting at a con. As such, I got to be a part of a couple of different panels – and read an excerpt from my novel and sell some copies.
The panel was with a couple of other Steampunk authors I have a lot of respect and admiration for. It was a super cool experience. And it feels like it was a long time ago, now. I think it was 2016.
However – at the end of February, I am attending a con, sitting on panels, signing and selling books as an author for the first time since then.
Farpoint 2022
When I searched cons that sci-fi writers might attend relatively local to me, Farpoint came to my attention.
As I looked at all this con was – and all they had to offer – I got excited. Why do I know nothing about this event? It’s only been running since 1993!
The reason is that I’ve not attended many cons at all. Despite my longtime sci-fi and fantasy fandom, cons have tended to not be on my radar.
There are several reasons for this. I suspect. First – where and when I grew up. I lived in the ‘burbs of Minneapolis until the early 1990s. In this instance, I think it’s more about the time than the place.
Second – during college, apart from running the drama club and working as a DJ and newscaster at the college radio stations – in addition to my classes – I start doing medieval reenactment with the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). And I’ve been active with that for over 30 years, now.
Third – I pushed my writing career to the next level during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conventions, as such, were right out. Hell, I’m still a tad uncertain about attending Farpoint because of COVID (but I am hoping the numbers continue to decline in the coming weeks leading up to it).
But this is going to be fun. Though I will admit I’m a bit nervous, too.
Why nervous? In part because of an old, unwanted companion.

Going to a con and imposter syndrome
One of this year’s celebrity attendees at Farpoint will be Timothy Zahn.
My introduction to his work was the Star Wars Thrawn trilogy he wrote. Said trilogy set up what would be the entire Star Wars extended universe (EU) – until Disney bought Lucasfilm and took it in some different directions, turning all the previous EU material into Legends.
However – Timothy Zahn is an author I admire. And though I know it’s okay that I am on a different level as a writer – it still can be a bit daunting.
And, by comparison – who the hell am I?
Sure, I’ve been writing sci-fi and fantasy a long time now. But I’ve been self-publishing for less than 10- years. More, I’ve only published my sci-fi in the last 3 years.
Thus, feeling a little intimidated – and a sense of imposter syndrome.
There will be an opportunity at the con to sign and sell books. To that end, I will make sure I have some cash – and got myself a Square account to take credit card payments. But I am only bringing paperback copies of the Forgotten Fodder series with me (at least, that’s my current plan).
I hope that I have underestimated how many copies I need and that I sell out of them.
In addition to this – I will be sitting on multiple panels. As of this writing, I don’t know which, specifically – or how many. But I offered to be a part of several – because I love to interact with people that have similar interests as I do in sci-fi, fantasy, and all things geek.
Yet – more imposter syndrome. Several of the other authors in attendance have done a lot more than me.
Deep breath. The con accepted me as an author. So, I am doing the thing.
Going to a con as an author
The intimidation factor – as well as any and all sensations of imposter syndrome – won’t derail me from this. The only reason I wouldn’t attend is another nasty rise in COVID infection numbers. Again – hopefully, the current decline will continue.
This is a part of being an author that’s always excited me. There’s long been the vision in my head of the classic set-up: me, the author, at a table surrounded by my books, creating personalized signatures for adoring fans.
Yes, I know this won’t be that. A person can dream.
I can’t deny a degree of egotism in that. But it’s not about fame or fortune for me as much as the idea of being an inspirer.
The intent behind my writing – in whatever form it takes – is to inspire, inform, entertain, and build creative pathways not just in me, but between myself and my reader. Books and other writing are gateways to growth, evolution, imagination, and creativity. That, more than anything, is what I desire to tap into.
Of course, one of my hopes is to hit that lucky break – because luck is a factor – and take my writing to the next level. I would love, ultimately, to have the respect and fan-following of the likes of Timothy Zahn, Neil Gaiman, George RR Martin, NK Jemison, and others. I definitely would love to see my work on the TV or movie screen, too.
Even the biggest began small. I am taking my message and my creativity out to the world and going to a con as an author. And I feel confident – in my vocation as an author – that this is somewhere I’m meant to be.
Farpoint 2022 – see you in a few weeks!
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