With the new year, what new art are you doing?

Welcome to 2022. Happy New Year!
For many people, a new year represents some sort of fresh start, choices to do something new, or something else of that nature. Some people make resolutions with an eye to some sort of change – but as they tend to be nothing more than vague notions, nothing comes of them.
At the start of 2012, ten years ago, I tried out the concept of a New Year’s Action. That led to me to regular weekly blogging, which in turn evolved to my 5-6 blogs a week now.
I have not set an action for this year. Nor did I set one last year.
However, I did set an intention for last year. In 2021, I was going to publish 6 new novels.
And I did. All 4 novels of the first story arc for my Forgotten Fodder sci-fi series and 2 novels of my Void Incursion sci-fi series.
Publishing 6 novels in a year was ambitious. Can I follow it up this year?
In theory – yes. However, logistically – no. The ROI from last year’s work needs to be clearer before I set out to repeat that feat.
However – that doesn’t mean I am not working on my art this year.
More writing ahead
For my Forgotten Fodder series, I did something new to me. I planned each book – chapter by chapter. I am not a planner/plotter, having written most of my writing career as a pantser.
But the effect from doing this was utterly worthwhile. Rather than limit my creativity – as I feared it might – I found the writing to flow faster and with greater ease.
Thus, I was determined to do more plotting and planning. That led me to plan out a new story arc and 4 more books in Forgotten Fodder, the 5th and final novel of Void Incursion, and 6 novels for a new sci-fi series called Savagespace.
Thus, I have 11 more books planned. Additionally, I am prepping the 3rd novel of my fantasy series The Source Chronicles fora trip to the editor and publishing in 2022.
Right now, I am working on the fifth and last Void Incursion novel – Check and Mate. Though I had hoped to publish it in the first quarter of the year, it is not done yet and I will need to hire a new editor for it. Maybe I can have it done and ready to go for the end of March – but only time will tell.
The point is – there is more writing in my future. I have a lot of ideas in the works, novels and storylines planned. Of course, there are even more ideas in my head.
Writing is in my blood. This is my art – and it brings me lots of joy to share it.
Do you have art plans for the new year?
If you have an art form that you practice – have you got plans for doing your art in the new year?
Even if you don’t – that’s okay. I just want to encourage everyone to do whatever art makes them happy and brings them joy.
Why? Because the world needs more happiness and joy.
Since the pandemic rocked the world in 2020 – we have been living in some of the most confusing, uncertain, crazy times.
People have been hurting. And beyond the pandemic, it certainly looks like the world is only getting weirder, crazier, and more ludicrous.
But in all reality – that’s not so true. Sure, a lot of the news we see and stories that are shared are about bad things, terrible people, and other negativity. But unless you are currently hurt and suffering – you likely don’t have it so bad.
But this is why we need more art. Art is a creation of joy. It’s an act of happiness. And that joy and happiness are a two-way street.

Art is an aspect of progress
A great deal of the current issues in the world are borne from renewed fundamentalism. Reacting to globalism and the uncertainty it represents – fundamentalists are doing everything in their power to find and take control.
The problem with this is that fundamentalism tends to look backward rather than forwards. Yes, I know that’s a generalization – but it’s still mostly true. Fundamentalism is based on the notion that we used to have it right – whatever “it” may be – and we must at all costs get back to that.
The whole parable of the Garden of Eden perfectly illustrates this idea. Humankind “fell” from grace and was expelled from the garden. How do we fix this and return to it? Or any similar past idealization?
The truth is – we can’t. Why? Because the past has happened, is done, and cannot be undone, redone, or returned to. What’s more – realistically, it wasn’t as good any anyone believes it ideally to be.
Art of all forms becomes a part of history. The sculptures of Michelangelo, paintings of Van Gogh, and plays of Shakespeare are testament to that truth. But for their time they were matters of progress.
That’s why we need more art. Art is an act of progress. And its creation is one of joy for those who work it.
At least it’s that way for me when I write.
It doesn’t matter if it’s for you or the world
Finally – whatever art you do – just do it. It doesn’t matter if it’s for you, for public consumption, for only a select crowd, or whatever. Art for art’s sake is important to how our society grows and evolves. But more than that – its expression empowers its creators.
I share most – but not all – of what I write. The act of creating stories, articles, web content, and everything in between brings me joy.
You might be a professional, a hobbyist, or just a dabbler. It doesn’t matter. Your art is what matters. Get out there and do it for your joy, happiness, and peace of mind.
For 2022, I desire to encourage people to pursue their talents in whatever form they take. Create. The world can never have too much creation within it. And art is an expression of that which brings more abundance and good into the world.
I know what artistic works I will be doing with this new year. And I am excited to get started!
With the new year, what new art are you doing?
Thank you for being part of my ongoing journey, for joining me, and for inspiring me and my craft.
This is the one-hundred and forty-second article exploring the ongoing creative process. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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