Everyone has gifts – talents, skills, abilities – but not everyone shares them.

I firmly believe that everyone has a gift to share.
There is not a single person that I’ve encountered in my life who doesn’t have some skill, ability, talent, or strength that is a “gift”.
The issue, most often, is that it might never have been developed.
This happens for many reasons. In some instances, it was a lack of encouragement. In others, no motivation. Some reasons why people don’t share their gifts – or truly know what they are – are benign while others are malignant.
A benign example – you came from an environment where opportunities to work on and with your gift were few and far between. Other needs, obligations, and requirements on your time impacted who, when, where, and even if you had the chance to develop your gifts. It was a matter of circumstance.
A malignant example – you were openly discouraged from pursuing or working with your gift. Maybe a jealous parent denied you had a gift, discouraged you, or otherwise offered no support. Perhaps you were told it was no big deal, you were unworthy and undeserving of your gift – or something else of this nature. You were made to shunt your talent, skill, or ability away via someone’s intent to keep it from developing. It was a matter of intent.
Whatever it is, you have at least one gift. Do you share that with the world?
Finding your gifts
Of course, you might not even recognize that you have these gifts.
Talents, skills, abilities, know-how – gifts manifest in many ways. For many people, they don’t seem like gifts.
Overall, society views such things as high-and-mighty, unique, and limited. For every great, best-selling author there are hundreds (probably thousands) of writers less skilled. The same applies to painters, sculptors, singers, actors, and all other artists.
Does that mean that even though I am not at the level of writers like Gaiman, Coelho, or Tolkien, I don’t have skill? Of course not. What I don’t have is the same level of name recognition.
What’s more, gifts are not always artistic. Some CPAs, scientists, and theoreticians can apply complex math in truly gifted and magical ways. There are engineers who come up with brilliant solutions to difficult problems both practical and fantastic. Some people can do things with growing plants or raising animals that are truly astounding to the rest of us. Other people have a major talent for juggling a household, raising and teaching children, and balancing the lives of families.
All of these represent gifts people have. And they are further proof that everyone – and I mean everyone – has at least one gift they can share with the world.
You don’t need to be “special”
Some of those who have had the greatest gifts have been truly special. Genius. Albert Einstein, Ludwig von Beethoven, Socrates, and Marie Curie were all geniuses. They went above and beyond and impacted the world – likely forever.
Yet they are by no means alone. There are tons of others who are no different from you and me who have shared their gifts with the world. They are why you can read these words on whatever device you’re using. Those creators used their gifts to take our world from landline telephones barely allowing for slow global communications to instantaneous worldwide wireless in less than 100 years.
While I do not doubt that many who used their gifts to make this possible were wicked smart – maybe even genius – I bet the majority were not. They were good, maybe great at what they did – and they had a gift they used to make the impossible possible.
They weren’t any more “special” than anyone else – save they knew and employed their gifts. Something that you and I can choose to do – even more readily today than yesterday.
You needn’t be “special” or otherwise standout to share your gifts. All you need to do is recognize, acknowledge, and choose to share.

Why should you share your gifts?
Why should you share your gifts with the world? Because if you don’t, you’re denying the world your glory.
Does that seem overstated? I don’t feel that it is. Why?
Without bragging – I am sharing one of my gifts with you right now. Thanks for reading.
How do I know that this is my gift? Because I have a compulsion to write. It’s no different from my need to breathe. Even when I have taken breaks from it or sought to pursue other gifts – I always return to writing.
Maybe my words have ZERO impact on you. Perhaps you don’t think there’s much to what I share. That might be true – for you.
But if just one person gets inspired, feels heard, or otherwise enjoys what I have shared – it was worth it. Sharing my gift did the thing I most desire to do – it positively impacted the world.
That’s why I share my gifts. Because in doing so – I fulfill my desire to do what I can to help positively impact the world, wake people up to their potential and possibilities, and get creative juices and imagination flowing.
I also recognize this is a lofty goal. Your gift, shared, need not be so broad.
For example – a mother giving her all to raise strong, independent, thoughtful, kind children. An engineer making sure that the widget they are working on is as efficient and safe as possible. A customer service agent putting a smile on their clients’ face and assuring that they are heard and helped.
Nothing is insignificant
Finally – no gift and the impact that employing it has is insignificant.
Every world-changing or shaping thing started small. During his lifetime, Van Gogh couldn’t sell his work. Now – we recognize the beauty and intensity of his art. Even unable to sell his paintings, he kept sharing his gift with the world.
Everyone has gifts – talents, skills, abilities – but not everyone shares them. Maybe they think sharing their gift is unimportant or insignificant. But it never is.
You don’t know how what you do might impact or change someone else’s life. And you might never know you did so.
Maybe you pulled into a parking spot, singing along to the radio. Perhaps the person climbing into the car beside you has been having the worst day of their life and has no idea how to go on. But then they hear your voice. You weren’t even singing for them – but they hear your gift- your voice – and it makes them feel hope. Rather than give up, they carry on.
You will never know that your gift had that impact. And that is why no gifts are insignificant.
In the words of entrepreneur Nova Lorraine and her novel Unleash Your Supernova,
“There are many gifts that we are born with which we take for granted. Focus in on the one that brings a smile to your face, then think of a problem you have experienced and see if your gift can be a part of the answer. Zero in on this and don’t ever feel embarrassed or apologetic about it.”
You have gifts. And there is no reason not to share them with the world. No matter who you are, where you come from, or anything else – you are worthy and deserving of them and sharing them, too.
Do you know and share your gifts with the world? If not – why not?
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