Creatives have used kindness and compassion across all of history to tell their stories.

Why do creatives create?
I believe it’s because we have vision, passion, and energy inside of us that we need to share. It’s a compulsion not unlike breathing. You put the words on the page or screen, ink or paint on the canvas, clay on the wheel, circuits and gears together – and something new comes into being.
Everyone can create. While it’s not always glamorous, super-original, or in any way earth-shattering, you still create things regularly.
Unlike many other industries, there tends to be less competition in creative and artistic pursuits. There’s judgment, of course – but that’s not the same as competition.
I know that I am one of hundreds, if not thousands of sci-fi and fantasy authors out there. But since we each have our own take on tropes and unique story ideas, we’re not in competition with one another.
This is also true of painters, sculptors, fabric artists, cartoonists, and other artists and creators. Even in acting, where there’s competition to land roles, it’s still a collaborative effort and not the same type of competition.
This is why, I believe, kindness, compassion, and creativity are interlinked.
How do they link?
Let’s start with kindness and compassion. The world feels very, very short on these qualities right now.
To calm ourselves, gain new balance, and/or check perspective, many of us turn to creative work. It might be books, TV, movies, music, comics, games, or visiting a museum or art gallery. But the works of creatives are often where you go to find calm or gain perspective.
Sharing art and creative work is kind and compassionate. Putting yourself out there in any way can be hard. You know that intentionally and unintentionally, people judge you. Creatives put out works that get judged in a more abstract way.
People watch a movie and judge it for various qualities of good, bad, great, awful, and so on. Books, paintings, music, and everything else creative face similar judgment. And because each of us lives in our own, varied reality – the what and how of our judgment can be vastly different.
But the creation of the work tends to be from a place of kindness and compassion. Why? Because the creative believes the world needs to see their vision and experience the idea they seek to get across. With kindness and compassion, you make and share your work.
The goal, for me at least, is to garner an empathetic response. As in, oh, I see this vision – and it relates to me. I feel seen/heard. This speaks to me. From there, I hope to spark inspiration or provide hope and encouragement.
That’s how I see the link between kindness, compassion, and creativity.

Kindness, compassion, and creativity for all
I don’t know anyone that doesn’t desire to be treated with kindness and compassion.
One of the biggest problems in our society today is the weaponizing of these ideas. What I mean by that is how kindness and compassion have been turned into weakness, foolishness, and negative connotations implying they do no good.
Putin, Trump, and a vast swath of other modern politicians constantly deride kindness and compassion as a deficiency or impairment. Like being kind and compassionate make you less. They instead emphasize hostility, harshness, and mercilessness as strength and power. Be strong, unrelenting, and get shit done at any cost.
Nothing could be further from the truth. These notions disconnect us in ways that are ugly, unpleasant, and with repercussions that – like the butterfly effect – can have horrific consequences. Observe how a minority uses some rather ugly language and antiquated thinking to subjugate and lessen vast swaths of people in the name of “god” or “morality” via laws and rules that ultimately cause harm.
Yes, I am, talking about the leaked Supreme Court abortion decision language again. If you don’t think this isn’t the impetus to next go after federally protected rights like gay marriage and LGBTQA+ rights, you really should pay closer attention.
Hope is not lost. We have the power to change this. But to do so, we need to practice more kindness and compassion. I don’t mean being doormats for awful people with limiting, lacking, destructive ideas. I mean general kindness and compassion for ourselves and everyone else we meet.
Creativity is a means to that end.
Kindness, compassion, creativity, and abundance
Kindness and compassion exist in this world in infinite abundance. There is always more than enough to go around. You can always find and/or create kindness and compassion. Resources for them are limitless.
Our society is utterly focused on lack and scarcity. That’s one of the hallmarks of a fear-based society. Not enough of this, that, or the other thing – so grab yours by any means necessary and keep it away from the “other” who would deny you your right.
And this, too, is utter bullshit. Materialism drives us. And material things are often produced in limited quantities to increase their value and create artificial scarcity as such.
The truth is that most people desire to feel good, to experience kindness, compassion, and empathy. Ultimately, I’m pretty sure what most of us want is to be seen, heard, and respected for who we are.
And that is available in abundance. The creations of creatives are manifestations of kindness and compassion, intent on helping everyone else feel seen and heard.
The messages of ruthlessness and harshness as the only means to an end are lies. Outright lies. Invading a country just to expand your influence – and claiming it’s to protect your people – is just as bad as denying a woman body autonomy to protect an unborn child – while offering no help with medical care or the expenses and other tolls childbearing takes.
I create because I love to create. It is an expression of kindness and compassion. And you are as worthy and deserving of being seen, heard, and respected as anyone else is. Creativity helps convey that message.
Can you see how kindness, compassion, and creativity are all interlinked? Do you see why we need them to expand empathy to improve the world for the better for all?
Thank you for being part of this wild ride.
This is the one-hundred and sixtieth article exploring the ongoing creative process. Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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