The answer to “Should I make art?” is always YES.

The world can never have too much art in it.
Art in every form you can imagine brings color, passion, imagination, inspiration, and joy into the world like nothing else can. Whatever the art is – painting, sculpture, novel, song, meal, video – the world deserves it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for science, technology, engineering, and math. Without these, progress lags and we don’t grow, evolve, and get collectively better.
Why else would non-progressives ban books, art, music, and anything they disagree with? Because it’s the truth they strive to avoid. What other reason is there if not to prevent growth and evolution?
The point is, whenever the question is “Should I make art?” the answer is always YES. Please, make and share your art with the world, whatever it is.
Sharing what you create needn’t be selling or broad
When you create art, it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or an amateur. The act of creating art is an act of bringing something into the world that makes it more than it already is.
Sharing your art doesn’t mean you need to sell it. Nor does it mean you need to spread it far and wide. It just needs to be created.
Even if you are the only one who ever gets to see it, that doesn’t lessen its power. The act of creating art in and of itself is an act of color, passion, imagination, inspiration, and joy.
Why does that matter? All you need to do is drive down a major highway or turn on the TV. The anger, the hate, the uncertainty, and the fear all clamor for your attention. This is why the world needs all the art it can get.
In a fear-based society such as this one, everything we can do to help add more reason, passion, and joy is more than just worthwhile. Share with the world, the ethers, your creative spark and add that element of positivity and light to it.
Sharing needn’t be selling or presenting your art to a wide audience. The act of creation alone and bringing that into the world is sufficient. That’s because it empowers you. When you are empowered, you can do more, be more, have more, etc.
Don’t hesitate – create
Sometimes it’s not easy to create art. The words won’t come, the canvas remains empty, the clay a lump of shapelessness, the meal unprepared, and so on. Amateur or professional, distractions are everywhere and can and will interfere with your art.
When you can find and/or make the time, don’t hesitate – create. Create that work, whatever it is. The act of creation is so, so powerful. What it brings to the world is also far more important than most credit it to be.
How does it feel to experience more color, passion, imagination, inspiration, and joy in the world? It feels good. This is empowering for any who are near it.
The forces of society both intentionally and unintentionally disempower the masses. The unseen “they” of too many elements of so-called leadership abuse lack, scarcity, and insufficiency to maintain the fear-based society. Social media and the internet have made this instantaneous and in-your-face in a myriad of unhealthy ways.
Thus, when you create your art, it’s a veritable act of resistance against the fear. It empowers you, and you, thus empowered, can empower others just by creating.
That might come across as hooky-spooky, liberal, queer, bullshit. Again, I ask, how does it feel when you experience more color, passion, imagination, inspiration, and joy in the world?
Light chases out the dark
Human beings are the only creatures on Planet Earth – that we know of – who can change the environment around them to suit them. No other animal can bring light into the dark, build shelters that sustain them through every season and environmental variable, and adapt quite like humans do.
Unfortunately, we also dramatically overcomplicate our lives. Fear, once a very useful tool to keep you from getting killed by predators in the wild, now keeps you small. It keeps you from pursuing your own greater good. False notions of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency dominate too much of the collective consciousness.
You are not, however, powerless to do something about that. How? Create. Don’t hesitate, create. You can make your art, and with it bring more color, passion, imagination, inspiration, and joy to the world. Shared or kept to yourself, it adds light to a falsely dim world. More light in the world chases out more darkness.
The answer to “Should I make art?” is always YES. That’s because when you create you do more than just bring a new story or image or the like to the world. You add more color, passion, imagination, inspiration, and joy. Is that ever a bad thing? Not in any way that I can see.
Thanks for reading. As I share my creative journey with you, I conclude with this: How are you inspired to be your own creator – whatever form that takes?
Please take a moment to check out the collection of my published works, which can be found here.
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