Half an idea is better than no idea. About 6 months ago, I had a vague story idea pop into my head. This would be a return to fantasy after working on a lot of sci-fi the past few years. The idea had to do with a world featuring humans and another sentient race (based…
Making Changes to the Workspace to Help Clear the Mindspace
It never ceases to amaze me how interconnected everything is. Empirical evidence has shown me that certain changes to my physical body impact my mental, emotional, and spiritual health, too. Losing weight, increasing muscle mass, and improving cardio-vascular fitness leads to finding calm, balance, and contentment more easily. Eating healthier helps me feel clearer and…
What Do I Need to Do to Gain More Success?
The starting point is defining success. I began writing fiction full-time in 2020, as the pandemic shifted other elements of my world. While before then I’d been doing regular writing, making it my full-time vocation had not quite been achieved. Because I made this shift, I’ve completed and self-published 10 books since 2020. One is…
My Personal Creative Process Info Dump
I’m sharing many thoughts on many topics. Perhaps, with this being the end of the year, I’m feeling introspective. Or maybe there’s just been a lot happening and I’m working to make sense of it. Either way, I’m going to reflect on a lot of different things here. For me, 2023 has been a crazy…
How Do I Reconcile the Creative Process with My Brand?
Being an indie-author requires being a brand and business, too. Not so long ago, the only way to publish a book and make money was via traditional publishing. To get there, the main path was to get a literary agent, who would then get you past the gatekeepers and through the doors to the publishers….
When Is It Time to Abandon a Project?
My writing is always evolving, and change is always occurring. I started my Source Chronicles fantasy series in 1998. As of this writing, that’s 25 years ago. While I began the series then, it remains unfinished. Yes, Book 3 – Harbinger – is ready to go to the editor. In fact, it has been for…
Does a Wide World Call for Wide Distribution?
I can’t see why not. But what does that mean? Once upon a time, stunningly not so long ago, there were exactly 2 ways to publish a book. You could do it via a major publishing house or vanity press for self-publishing. The former came with marketing and distribution. The latter didn’t. The latter also…
The Upside and Downside of Self-Promotion
I think it should always be shameless to promote your good work. As a self-published, indie-author authorpreneur, writing is the second and most involved step of the story and the business. The second step, you might question? Of course. That’s because the first step is conceiving the idea. Human beings have thousands, if not tens…
Sharing My Book Happenings Over the Next Two Weeks
Indie-author self-promotion is utterly necessary. As I’m writing this, I have multiple things happening in my indie-author world. This is the result of a lot of work on a lot of different levels over the past couple of months. Let’s start with the immediate, most time-sensitive element: My standalone fantasy/Steampunk, rise of the villain novel,…
Does a Blank Canvas or Page During Your Creative Process Ever Frighten You?
This is perfectly normal, and something I think all creatives encounter. I’ve never met another artist, writer, painter, woodworker, or any other type of creative who hasn’t been “blocked”, uncertain, or otherwise lost. You take a look at the blank page or screen, blank canvas, raw wood or clay, and nothing is coming. The ideas…