This is always an interesting position to be in. Writing is, on the one hand, simple. Sit at the keyboard, let the ideas flow, and get the words on the screen. On the other hand, there’s often quite the process involved. This essay, for example, is being written by the seat of my pants. This…
Write and Art On, My Crazy Friends
Do your writing, do your art, and be a creative force in a mad mad mad world. Whether you’re a professional or a hobbyist, the best thing that you can do for yourself, and for the world, is your art. Artistic expression is a powerful tool that can inspire and empower like nothing else in…
Artistic Creators Don’t Need to be Understood by Other People
Does anyone truly understand anyone else? Everyone is creative in their own way. Creativity is tied to curiosity, and while it’s not always artistic, per se, it’s there. Everyone everywhere has creative abilities within them. This takes all sorts of forms. Some involve creating order, and those people are analysts, scientists, project managers, and the…
What Goes Into Choosing the Right Editor for You?
Exploring what I need to complete the next book for publishing. Following suggestions from my beta readers, I’ve been working on doing another edit to Savagespace I – Alliances and Consequences. I added some color and details that were lacking, as well as removed some repetition. Further, I cleaned up a few other errors, tightened…
Why Is Marketing My Art So Challenging?
I’ve done a lot of marketing, but marketing myself is difficult. In case this hasn’t been made abundantly clear over the last few years, I’m an artist—specifically, an author. My main joy in creating art comes from creating sci-fi and fantasy worlds, books, and series. Since 2020 I’ve published 10 novels. Two complete sci-fi series…
Farpoint: The Wrap-up of Con
Another year, another con complete. As I wrote last week, I attended my third Farpoint con. Once again, I got to hang out for a weekend with like-minded geeks, sit on a couple of very interesting panels, and even signed and sold a couple of books. My favorite part of attending the con as an…
Preparing for Another Farpoint
My third year attending the sci-fi con is here. Towards the end of 2021, after publishing 9 books in 2 years, I determined that I needed to start attending more conventions. Searching for cons a reasonable distance from home, I discovered Farpoint Con in Maryland. While one of the predominant themes of Farpoint is Star…
What Does Overthinking Look Like and What Can You Do About It?
As a creative, this can manifest itself in multiple forms. Every creative has their own process. No two writers, painters, sculptors, chefs, or other artists are completely identical. Just like no two people, even identical twins, are completely identical. Yet there are patterns, behaviors, and other elements that are a general background people will fall…
The Challenge of Balancing Multiple Worlds
When you work as a creator on more than one project at a time. As a storyteller, one of the things I take great pride in is my ability to do worldbuilding. Among my already published works, I’ve created 5 different worlds. In two cases, entirely different galaxies. The rules of my worlds have many…
AI: The Elephant in the Room We Can’t Really Ignore
Generative AI is a new tool you can use or avoid; but ignore it at your own peril. There have been many books, movies, and TV series where rogue AI played or plays a part in the downfall of the human race. Sometimes they simply confound us (Hal in 2001: A Space Odyssey), sometimes they…