Discipline is active conscious awareness in practice. The word “discipline” gets tossed around a lot. Often, it’s attached to a concept of doing something with full attention, within rigid parameters, and with no room for mistakes. Visions of Marine Corps drill sergeants making soldiers march in strict order often come to mind for me. Many…
Create Stuff or Make Money? Why Not Both?
This is an age-old conundrum. There is a long-standing, age-old belief in the world that being a professional artist of any sort doesn’t pay. Right alongside this idea is the notion of the “starving artist”. Many people will tell you how impossible it is to make money writing, painting, cooking, acting, singing, and so on….
Returning to The Flow Requires Action
It’s all about doing the work. A little over a month ago, I completed the work on a new novel. Jay and Char Save the Galaxy is a bit of a departure from my usual. It’s sci-fi comedy with a healthy dollop of absurdity. I’m working on going over edits for the Savespace trilogy. Book…
Entrepreneur, Solopreneur, Authorpreneur – Differences and Similarities
Welcome to the business side of the arts. I’ve been putting more and more effort into being a full-time author. On the one hand, this means more writing. That’s amazing. I love being able to write more, and that’s where my joy lies. On the other hand, however, other business-related elements can’t be ignored. This…
Can The Arts Be Used to Combat the Craziness of The World?
Of course. The pen is mightier than the sword, after all. The world is a crazy place. Spend any time on social media, watching or reading any news outlet, or doing anything anywhere and you’ll be inundated. There’s no end to the number of things happening in the world at large that suck. It can…
Don’t Fear New Options for Creativity
There are always new tools available for making art. When I began writing at age 9, it was all by hand. My first sci-fi book is 50 pages, handwritten and illustrated. I thought, as a kid, creating my own sci-fi story and putting words and images to the page was the coolest thing ever. A…
What Do I Do When the Words Won’t Come?
What do you do when you can’t find the words? This seems to be an issue not just with my writing of late, but beyond. Yet let’s look at the writing aspect. Recently, I completed a new sci-fi comedy called Jay and Char Save the Galaxy. This will be edited down the line, and I’m…
You ARE a Creative, Artist or Otherwise
Creativity in every form empowers. The truth is that not everyone is an artist. Some people don’t have the spark or find joy in painting, writing, sculpting, acting, singing, woodworking, or any other creative endeavor you can imagine. That doesn’t mean, however, that non-artists aren’t creatives. The truth is that everyone is a creative. Some…
Your Writing Isn’t For Everyone
This is as true for me as it is for you. What genres of books do you read? Let’s start with the big picture, fiction versus nonfiction. If you’re anything like me, you read several different types of both. In my case, my nonfiction choices are pretty diverse. Mindfulness, wealth management, psychology, physics, philosophy, self-improvement,…
How Does “The Void” or “The Flow State” and Creativity Empower?
Tapping into this place between the subconscious and conscious mind is amazing. The Void or The Flow State are references to that place outside of time and space where you simply are. They’re the ultimate expression of the here and now — the present moment. In the flow, you ride along aware and unaware at…