Let this unparalleled situation be the impetus as an ultimate creator for tremendous creativity. Are you staying home to both avoid contracting and potentially spreading Covid-19? The vast majority of the people I know are. This entire situation is unprecedented. Nothing like this has ever happened in our lifetimes, and it’s having a lot of…
What Does Your Writing Process Look Like?
Allow me to share with you how my process goes. Why do I write by the seat of my pants? There are friends of mine who are planners. They will plot out ANYTHING that they write. The outlines they create are elaborate, thorough, and detailed. Then, once that is complete, they start the full project….
The Words People Choose Tell You Who They Are
I have been thinking a lot this week about the words people choose and why they decide on them. I’ve written before about how words can have multiple meanings, power and empower, and that words matter. But that’s all an oversimplification, really. Words can build or destroy. They can start and end rivalries and wars….
Is Practice Doing or Trying?
Short answer – doing. More in-depth – practice is action. Understanding this can open you to some awesome things. Many people live by the phrase “practice makes perfect.” The problem is, I think they tend to misunderstand both the intent and true meaning of that phrase. To me, “practice” is the action. For example –…
Why Do You Choose the Words You Use?
You get to choose the words you desire to use. Some may disbelieve, but you can have a lot of fun with words. I cannot imagine being unable to read. There are so many wonders in this world that are revealed in words that the idea of not being able to interpret them staggers me….
Sometimes Words are Elusive
Sometimes words are elusive. They are always somewhere to be found, but words can be hard. Ever have a conversation with someone and all of a sudden you cannot remember a word for something? Or sometimes you just cannot recall a name? It’s like the words are just simply gone. This is much harder in…
For the Love of Words
Words matter. So does the intent, action, and implications when you choose them. I have something of a love affair with words. As a child, I was a voracious reader. I loved having books to read, and I always enjoyed picking up something new to expand my knowledge and imagination. I started to write my…
Editing is a Necessary Evil
Editing your writing cannot be neglected. It’s important to make your work the best that it can be. I love writing. When I get to put words to the page or screen it makes me deliriously happy. This is my jam, whatever genre I am working in. Writing is joy. Editing, on the other hand,…
Learning is a Part of Doing
Learning is a part of doing and continued education is not just for certain licenses and such. I wrote my first work of fiction, a sci-fi story when I was nine years old. Wildfire was 50 pages and illustrated by me. The characters’ side profiles, FYI, lacked noses. At the age of 13, I typed…
Stay on Target
When you are writing, sometimes you lose sight of the target There are many times when writing isn’t terribly dissimilar to flying down the trench of the Death Star in Star Wars, TIE Fighters in pursuit, your wingman getting scared. “It’s no good, I can’t maneuver!” “Stay on target.” “We’re too close!” “Stay on target.”…