Sometimes words are elusive. They are always somewhere to be found, but words can be hard. Ever have a conversation with someone and all of a sudden you cannot remember a word for something? Or sometimes you just cannot recall a name? It’s like the words are just simply gone. This is much harder in…
For the Love of Words
Words matter. So does the intent, action, and implications when you choose them. I have something of a love affair with words. As a child, I was a voracious reader. I loved having books to read, and I always enjoyed picking up something new to expand my knowledge and imagination. I started to write my…
Editing is a Necessary Evil
Editing your writing cannot be neglected. It’s important to make your work the best that it can be. I love writing. When I get to put words to the page or screen it makes me deliriously happy. This is my jam, whatever genre I am working in. Writing is joy. Editing, on the other hand,…
Learning is a Part of Doing
Learning is a part of doing and continued education is not just for certain licenses and such. I wrote my first work of fiction, a sci-fi story when I was nine years old. Wildfire was 50 pages and illustrated by me. The characters’ side profiles, FYI, lacked noses. At the age of 13, I typed…
Stay on Target
When you are writing, sometimes you lose sight of the target There are many times when writing isn’t terribly dissimilar to flying down the trench of the Death Star in Star Wars, TIE Fighters in pursuit, your wingman getting scared. “It’s no good, I can’t maneuver!” “Stay on target.” “We’re too close!” “Stay on target.”…
What is my Brand?
Exploring how to brand myself and what I do. I have been reading an interesting book by Shayla Raquel called The 10 Commandments of Author Branding. While a lot of this is information I have uncovered elsewhere, other aspects of it have been eye-opening. What is my brand? MJ Blehart is my professional identity. But…
Thoughts Made Manifest
When all is said and done that’s what words are. The depth of this can be surreal. Thoughts are often abstract, complex, and mixed. They are unclear and tend to be varied in more ways than one. When thoughts get blended with feelings it adds a whole other layer of complexity. There are times when…
Does Imagination Scare You?
Does your imagination scare you? Are you afraid to dream, or to turn your dreams into realities? Change scares the hell out of people. It is the unknown, it is different, and that terrifies people. This can be particularly difficult to wrap your head around, but change is inevitable. You can’t avoid it, nor can…
Do I Find the Words or Do the Words find Me?
One of the ongoing challenges of writing. The words sometimes come really easily. You sit at the keyboard or with a pen and paper, and BOOM there are words. Other times, this is far more challenging. Even when you complete the work, sometimes it’s amazing awesomeness, and other times you’re like, “Really? Where did this…
Doubts Still Make Me Crazy
Loving what I do but still struggling with doubts from within and without. I have been living my life as a full-time artist for 8+ months now. Writing full-time and recording audiobooks has been an excellent experience for me, and working from home doesn’t suck. Yes, I need to make more money from this work,…