Sometimes an idea doesn’t fully form, or change alters your project. Thus, it’s okay to step away. One of the primary pieces of advice I give to any writer (or practitioner of a creative art of any sort) is to keep at it. Don’t stop, don’t let fear prevent you from making something in your…
Choosing Names, Titles, and So On
When it comes to fiction, names and titles can be challenging When I began my fantasy series in 1998, I initially referred to it simply as my fantasy story (and given the restrictions in naming .doc files in Word, then, it was an awkward name). Then, as I realized I had a LOT of characters,…
The World Deserves Your Voice
You are not just here to survive – but to thrive. Thus, your voice should be heard. For creatives, this presents unique challenges. Artists tend to face different challenges than hobbyists. The difference is that when you practice art as a hobby – writing, painting, sculpting, and so forth – there’s no pressure to share…
Getting Back on Track
Sometimes life goes off the rails. Getting back on track takes work. Over the past 2 weeks, for no discernable reason, I’ve been less diligent about certain aspects of my work. When it comes to nonfiction and writing articles daily – I’m there. And I feel much of my work has been particularly strong lately….
Finding the Sweet Spot
With any creative endeavor, there’s a sweet spot to be found. I have been writing fiction for almost 40 years now. Because I bought into multiple false narratives – you can’t make money in the arts, the concept of the starving artist, only a select few make it – I didn’t pursue this vocation for…
Ongoing Projects and New Ideas: Finding Balance
I have many ongoing projects and new ideas happening in various stages. Sometimes, they just won’t shut up! Who are they? The voices in my head. Now, before you dismiss me as crazy, allow me to clarify: the characters for the fiction I write are alive in my mind. They exist in the world I…
Books in All Forms are Awesome
Whatever form it takes, a book you create is awesome. While writing comes relatively easily to me – I know it is harder for others. This includes people who have a story to tell and desire to see their words in print. It may take a long time, a whole lot of effort, and tremendous…
Never Let Fear Stop You
Fear will lie to you a lot. But don’t let it stop your work. Over the last year or so, I’ve joined several groups on Facebook. They each have a different flavor of relation to writing. Some are nonfiction, some fiction, some specifically sci-fi and fantasy. One thing I see frequently is the fears of…
How Do You Practice Persistence?
Persistence is the key to accomplishing everything. But how does it work? When I was younger, I jokingly referred to myself, more than once, as The King of Indecision. I spent a lot of my 20s and 30s being indecisive. I would stall, delay, and avoid choices and decisions frequently. Why? Because I didn’t want…
How Do You Get Noticed?
What does it take to get your brand noticed? While I have been writing for nearly 40 years, I didn’t get professionally published until I had the opportunity for a couple of short stories to be published in anthologies. That began in 2011 – ten years ago. I dipped my toe into the self-publishing waters…