How much time you take to create your art is irrelevant. The creation of any given art is a process. How much time it takes to create art is an often controversial, yet deeply personal matter. This can be particularly disempowering in the ultra-fast, have-it-done-yesterday society we live in. How many competitions do we see…
There Is No One True Way
This article explores how there is no One True Way to do virtually everything.
Is This Thing On?
I continue writing – but is anyone reading, and does it matter? *Tap* *Tap* Is this thing on? Little of what I write is a one-off. With a couple of exceptions, I tend to write series. In the case of Void Incursion, I don’t believe anyone would be all that interested in reading a 1,100+…
Please Buy My Books
Why is it dirty or inappropriate to ask you to buy my books? As of this writing, I have on Amazon, for Kindle, paperback, and an audiobook or two, the following: Two fantasy novels in The Source Chronicles Three sci-fi/sci-fantasy novels in The Void Incursion One novel for my Forgotten Fodder sci-fi series One novel…
The More Things Change…
Current affairs can and will influence fiction. Some things never change. In the fall of 2020, I sat down and plotted out a story. It was the first time I had really done that. Before this planning, I had – except for some world-building – almost exclusively written as a pantser. Before long, I had…
Strategy and Tactics and the Arts
Strategy and tactics are surprisingly important to the arts. Many people look at arts and artists and form an immediate judgment. Weak. Unattached. Odd. Rebellious. Unique. Hippy. Soft. And similar notions of the non-warrior. Let me just set the record straight. This is not the truth. Artists ARE warriors. Maybe not in the traditional sense…
Imagination Builds Knowledge
Creatives use imagination to expand the knowledge of the world. I have not been to Disney World and Epcot Center in over 30 years. But the two times I want prior to that, I loved the Journey into Imagination ride. At its heart what a lovable purple dragon named Figment (as in a figment of…
Create – Revise – Repeat
The writer’s equivalent of rinse and repeat. Create – Revise – Repeat. When I was 9 years old, I had an idea. A sci-fi story came into my head. It wasn’t long before I sat down with notebook, pen, and markers and started writing. Soon I had Wildfire – 50 illustrated pages of sci-fi adventure….
There Are Worlds in my Head
Sharing these worlds with you brings me joy. Presently, I have four unique worlds I have shared via writing. One is a potential future of humanity 550 years into the future. Another is a remarkable fantasy world where sorcery exists called t’Thera. One of my worlds is a magical Steampunk world called Amasheer where most…
Self-Publishing and Marketing
An ongoing challenge with self-publishing is marketing. I decided, after a large number of rejections over some 10 years from both agents and publishing houses, to self-publish. Yes, I questioned if maybe I just was not as good a writer as I thought I might be. However, after much analysis, I concluded it was less…