Any word choice you make will impact your work. Whatever you are writing – words matter. The English language is messy. Someone I know described English as the language that takes other languages into back-alleys and shakes them down for loose grammar. Because English is how it is, many different words can be applied to…
Why Do I Love Sci-fi?
Sci-fi has always represented potential and possibilities to me. As a kid, I wanted a lightsaber. I mean, c’mon, who wouldn’t? Laser sword! So cool! Rockets leaving Earth and orbiting the planet are amazing. Probes into the solar system expand our knowledge. But how awesome would it be to board the Millennium Falcon or Serenity…
Life is All About Stories
Stories come in many variables – true, false, and everywhere in-between. Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone. Some people tell stories quite matter-of-factly. Thing ‘A’ happened with person ‘B’ at time ‘C’ and the outcome was ‘D’. It may not seem like much of a story – but it still is. Many people don’t…
Done is Better than Perfect
Perfect, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I have nearly finished my edits of the final book in the current arc of my Forgotten Fodder series. When I’m done, it will be time to send Bold Moves to my editor. When I started, it was clear that I had rushed some parts….
Escape Through Fiction
The world is a crazy place. We all need an escape through fiction from time to time. Many of my childhood memories are vague at best. But among those that are clear, there is this: Sitting in the theatre, the massive swell of music from an incredible theme and an unusual, scrolling text – and…
My Current Fiction Projects
Sharing the sci-fi projects that I am writing and working on. As a self-published author, I set a rather ambitious publishing schedule for 2021. Six novels total. This weekend will see the publication of the 3rd novel in my Forgotten Fodder sci-fi series. One more to go for this plot, coming in November. In October,…
I’m Scared that I am Wrong
I might be wrong – but fear should not stop my pursuits. If like me, you have chosen to pursue a creative endeavor – you know how scary this can be sometimes. There are certain boxes that society prefers people fit into. They include career choice, class, race, family type, and so on. When it…
Must it be Quality or Quantity?
Why can’t it be both quality AND quantity? I am writing and publishing more books in 2021 than I ever have before. In total, I’m publishing 6 books this year. Three have already come out – the fourth will be out before the end of August. Two more will be published before the end of…
Divide and Conquer on a Personal Level
Choosing to divide and conquer for ourselves can be empowering. Let me clarify this right at the start. When it comes to the Big Picture matters of the world – like politics – divide and conquer is a weaponized notion. Most major political parties love to create “us” versus “them” so that they can sow…
It is Really Work?
Yes, writing is really work. There are some who’ve told me to get a real job. Sometimes not in so many words. Other times, rather directly. But writing is really work. So are the rest of the creative arts. Why don’t people think it’s work? Because society has come to look at the arts and…