I believe that my writing offers something valuable on various levels. The things that we do all have value to someone. Sometimes they value only ourselves. Frequently, that which we do is something valuable to others. But knowing our individual worth can be super challenging. And that can translate to devaluing and undervaluing ourselves and…
Are You Falling Behind on Your 2021 NaNoWriMo Project?
There are 3 choices available to you if you are falling behind. Many writers and would-be writers love November. That’s because this is National Novel Writer’s Month! There is a challenge put out by NaNoWriMo to spend the 30 days of this month writing. The goal? 50,000 words. To meet this goal, you need to…
When Selling My Books, Am I Actually Selling Myself?
To some degree – yes, Selling myself is part of the branding process. I am in the process of completing the 4th and final novel of the current story arc for my Forgotten Fodder sci-fi series. I say current arc because I have plotted out another (4 more books) and have 1 or 2 more…
4 Ways I Tell a Story in my Writing Style
This is my take on how my writing tells a story. When it comes to the how of storytelling, I think most people consider perspective and tense first. Is the story told in a first-person or third-person perspective? Is it in past, present, or future tense? But how you tell a story can cover other…
The Excitement of One Book Series Ending + Another Nearly Ending
This is exciting because reaching the ending of a series is new for me. Back in 1997 or so, I was sitting at my desk at my job with nothing to do. What work I had was done, and I had created as much other work as I could come up with. (At the time,…
Writing for NaNoWriMo? I Have Advice to Share from Personal Experience
November 1 kicks off National Novel Writer’s Month (NaNoWriMo). If you are a writer in need of a kick in the pants – or an aspiring writer looking for accountability to get the ball rolling – November is the month for you! If you are not familiar with it – November is National Novel Writer’s…
Would Any of My Ideas Be Something Worth Sharing?
Maybe the better question is why wouldn’t my ideas be worth sharing? I have a lot of different things going through my head. Some of them are stories for fantastical worlds. People, places, and situations that – as far as I know – exist only in my imagination. Others are a reflection of my perspective…
Is One of the Ancient 9 Your Personal Creative Muse?
I sometimes wonder which – if any – of the muses speaks to me. The muse is upon me! I have this awesome idea to create this amazing thing! Okay, this is not true. But it’s a statement I’ve heard – and even said – before. Having a muse is like having an invisible angel…
Do I Make a Fresh New Play for the Traditional Publishing World?
This question of publishing – self or traditional – might not be one and done. For a time, in the late 90s, I had a literary agent. I was thrilled to have an agent. It meant I had a much better chance of getting published. However, fantasy – the finished work I had for publishing…
With Only a Few Readers, Can I Still Call Myself a Writer?
Do readers make the writer? I’d bet I am not the only one who ponders this. First and foremost – thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read the words I share here with you. Attracting readers to put their eyes on my work is a challenge. It takes an odd and hard…