One of the best things about life is learning. Change is the one and only constant in the entire Universe. It can, will, and does happen all the time. Much of the change that occurs is wholly, utterly, and completely outside of your control. However, not all change is out of your control. When all…
Why Voting is Important to Artists
This election day matters too much to ignore. I’m taking a different approach from my normal and if this offends you – well, that’s on you. In the United States, we have an election today. The Presidency, the House of Representatives, and many Senate seats are up for grabs. And how you vote matters because…
Don’t Hesitate – Create
The answer to “Should I make art?” is always YES. The world can never have too much art in it. Art in every form you can imagine brings color, passion, imagination, inspiration, and joy into the world like nothing else can. Whatever the art is – painting, sculpture, novel, song, meal, video – the world…
Getting Validation For Your Art is Hard
What does it mean to and for you? As a kid, validation for your art was a lot easier. It could have been as simple as your parent or guardian saying, “Great job!” They might have encouraged you to make more art. Or, maybe, they offered to put your art on the refrigerator. In school,…
Book Two Of My New Trilogy
The second book of my Savagespace sci-fi trilogy is published today. As I do the ongoing work to expand my catalog, the second book of my new sci-fi trilogy, Savagespace is published today. Savagespace As murderous anti-life forces emerge from savagespace threatening the galaxy… The motley crew of the starship Moon Raven – refugee humans,…
Writing To Heal
An idea for release and generating catharsis. Almost 13 years ago, I began to blog weekly. The exercise originated as my first New Year’s Action. To write more frequently – writing being a longtime love – I chose a day to write every week. My Pathwalking blog was the result of this. It will be…
Getting to The End
Why people get close but don’t finish. In February of 2021, I opened a new Word document. An idea had popped into my head, and I wanted to get it down on paper (the screen) before it was gone. This is what I wrote: New idea: Sci-fi story where the aliens are the familiar fantasy…
Who Are These Books For?
Writing for the love of storytelling. This might be oversharing, but I have very few childhood memories. Why is not important to this. One that I do recall, when I was almost 5 years old, was experiencing Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) for the first time, What I recall was hearing that big,…
Book One Of My New Trilogy
The first book of my Savagespace sci-fi trilogy is published today! In 2020, I published 3 books. Then, in 2021, I published 6 books, all of my Forgotten Fodder series and 4/5 of my Void Incursion series. In 2022 I published nothing. Then, in 2023, I published the last Void Incursion novel. This year I…
Why Did You Choose the Villain that You Did?
What message does your choice send to the reader? I just finished a military sci-fi book, the first in a series. The story had a great protagonist, an excellent example of Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey”. The action, the adventure, the other characters, and the world the author created were intriguing. It was great hard sci-fi, and…