I am not one writer – I’m two or three writers in one. Did you know that I have two completely separate Amazon author pages? Working with my marketing professional last year, we decided that – to alleviate potential brand confusion – I needed to separate my fiction and my nonfiction. To do that –…
5 Great Reasons Why You Should Create Something this Year
There is almost never a reason not to create. Professional, hobbyist, or dabbler – everyone is a creative. Some creations are obvious. Paintings, books, ceramics, carvings, songs, and so on. Others of equal importance but less obvious are equations, theories, philosophies, organization tactics, procedures, routines, and so on. Some of what we create is thought…
How Might You Let Your Art Flow Through You This New Year?
With the new year, what new art are you doing? Welcome to 2022. Happy New Year! For many people, a new year represents some sort of fresh start, choices to do something new, or something else of that nature. Some people make resolutions with an eye to some sort of change – but as they…
How Do You Share Your Gifts with the World?
Everyone has gifts – talents, skills, abilities – but not everyone shares them. I firmly believe that everyone has a gift to share. There is not a single person that I’ve encountered in my life who doesn’t have some skill, ability, talent, or strength that is a “gift”. The issue, most often, is that it…
Ask Not for Whom the Writer Writes
The writer writes for thee – and for me. Why do I write? Because I love it. I take an almost perverse pleasure in putting words on the screen or page. And this has been so for over 40 years. I can be writing a blog about writing; an article about mindfulness, conscious reality creation,…
One Day at a Time is The Only Way I Can Truly Do It
One day at a time acknowledges the notion of living in and for the now. The unfortunate reality of my art, presently, is that it’s not paying me a living wage. I am working on improving this – which is part of why I’ve published 6 new novels this year. However, I am an adult…
The Best Fictional Characters Seem Utterly Real to Me
That is why the characters that writers create matter. In 1998, I was sitting at my desk at work. And I was bored. At the time, I was the sales manager for an itty-bitty audiophile record label. Though I was good at my job, it came with long periods where I had nothing to do….
Why Do the Words We Choose to Use Matter At All?
Because the words we choose can convey and take on many different meanings. Actions speak louder than words. That’s the truth. Someone can tell you constantly how much they love and care for you and will protect you – but when they do some action that is unkind and hurts you – that’s the truth….
Why I Can’t Quit the Writing Life Even If I Think I Should
This is a good thing. Writing is in my blood. To quit is not an option. The first sci-fi novel I wrote when I was 9 years old is impressive only because of the age I was when I wrote it. Wildfire is 50 pages and illustrated. It’s the story of how the adults of…
The Only One Who Can Write the Book is Me
If I don’t write the book it won’t be written. Sometimes the hardest part of writing is sitting down to do the writing. When this is your job, it can be particularly frustrating if you find yourself unable to do the work. In his brilliant book The War of Art (if you are any type…