Let’s explore three primary ways to make fiction come alive and feel real. I have done a lot of reading over the years. Books are one of my greatest loves. It doesn’t matter what form they take. Paperback, hardcover, Kindle, audiobook, or other – I love books and stories about fantastic worlds and unique characters….
When You’re Living in A Dystopia Why is Writing Fiction Challenging?
I am not a fan of the growing dystopia that is our world today. As a reader of sci-fi, I’ve enjoyed many dystopian stories, including Snow Crash, The Hunger Games series, Ready Player One, and others. As an author of sci-fi, the nature of the second-class status of the military clones in my Forgotten Fodder…
Slow Creative Work is Still Better than No Creative Work
Creative work at any pace is still creative work. In 2020, following a few fits and starts, I buckled down and completed the work to publish 3 novels. This included the first two Void Incursion sci-fi/sci-fantasy books and the standalone Infamy Ascending fantasy. For 2021, I had a much more ambitious plan. I would publish…
Writing is Writing and All the Writing You Do is Right for You
The writing you do – whatever form it takes – is right for you. This applies to all chosen paths. There are nearly 8 billion people on this planet. Among us all, there are a lot of different things that we do, desire to do, and can do. Some are tasks and chores we are…
How Do I Develop More Trust and Faith in Myself and my Arts?
I think more trust and faith in myself would open more doors. Cheesy as this might read – I know my purpose in life. What is it? I’m a storyteller. Some of the stories that I tell are pure fiction. Or, more specifically, sci-fi and fantasy. Other stories are life lessons via mindfulness, conscious reality…
Should I Still be Creating Art While the World Seemingly Goes Mad?
Yes. We need to be creating art now more than ever. I don’t know about you, but it feels wrong to me. And I think that I know where it comes from. One line almost perfectly expresses the sentiment of the feeling of the wrongness of creating art as the world goes mad: Nero fiddled…
How is Success as an Author or Artist Truly Measured?
Where is the line that determines your success? The idea of success is complicated, to say the least. There are almost as many ways to measure success as there are people on this planet. Thus, defining and measuring it is massively variable. One person’s success is another person’s failure. Good enough is success for some,…
Have you Read This Book Yet?
Welcome to Self-Promotion Saturday! Every week, I will be featuring one my books or novel series. This week, I am starting with a standalone novel. I wanted to create a kick-ass character. An extraordinary strategist, cunning tactician, an impressive combatant, too. Following the rise of this character would mirror Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. But there is…
Has Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Writing, and Art Always Been Impacted by Culture?
I’m rather certain that the answer is yes – they’ve always been impacted by culture. The writing and other art that you do is a product of your environment. Even when you are writing sci-fi and fantasy, the culture in which you live and have grown up, politics, economics, climate, and many other factors will…
Have You Purchased One of my Books?
Hi everybody! This is the link to my published books. I appreciate all the support I have received thus far.I’d like to request, whether you have purchased a Kindle book, paperback, or audiobook of mine previously – please purchase another. (If you have not purchased one of my works – please consider doing so!) Also…