Yes. We need to be creating art now more than ever. I don’t know about you, but it feels wrong to me. And I think that I know where it comes from. One line almost perfectly expresses the sentiment of the feeling of the wrongness of creating art as the world goes mad: Nero fiddled…
How is Success as an Author or Artist Truly Measured?
Where is the line that determines your success? The idea of success is complicated, to say the least. There are almost as many ways to measure success as there are people on this planet. Thus, defining and measuring it is massively variable. One person’s success is another person’s failure. Good enough is success for some,…
Have you Read This Book Yet?
Welcome to Self-Promotion Saturday! Every week, I will be featuring one my books or novel series. This week, I am starting with a standalone novel. I wanted to create a kick-ass character. An extraordinary strategist, cunning tactician, an impressive combatant, too. Following the rise of this character would mirror Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. But there is…
Has Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Writing, and Art Always Been Impacted by Culture?
I’m rather certain that the answer is yes – they’ve always been impacted by culture. The writing and other art that you do is a product of your environment. Even when you are writing sci-fi and fantasy, the culture in which you live and have grown up, politics, economics, climate, and many other factors will…
Have You Purchased One of my Books?
Hi everybody! This is the link to my published books. I appreciate all the support I have received thus far.I’d like to request, whether you have purchased a Kindle book, paperback, or audiobook of mine previously – please purchase another. (If you have not purchased one of my works – please consider doing so!) Also…
How Many Worlds Do You Think That You Have in Your Head?
I can’t tell you just how many worlds are in mine. And this includes the “real” world, too. I’ve been in love with sci-fi and fantasy since I was a child. Star Wars, Star Trek, the original and reimagined Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, The Belgariad series, the Dragonriders of…
How Are Kindness, Compassion, and Creativity all Interlinked?
Creatives have used kindness and compassion across all of history to tell their stories. Why do creatives create? I believe it’s because we have vision, passion, and energy inside of us that we need to share. It’s a compulsion not unlike breathing. You put the words on the page or screen, ink or paint on…
Not My Normal Topic – Basic Human Rights
I am deeply distressed by the news today. One reason I am so deeply distressed is that there is, realistically, little to nothing I can do about it. I can vote, attend protests, and offer my support to those most impacted by these developments. That written, I can also do this: As a white, middle-aged,…
Do You Wing it, Or Do You Create a Plan to Do It?
There is something to be said for both choosing to wing it and planning. For most of my writing career, I have been a pantser. If you are unfamiliar with this term, what it means is that I mostly write by the seat of my pants. I sit down at the keyboard, take an idea…
Do You Desire to Create? Don’t Deprive the World of Your Gifts!
If you desire to create, please find a way to create. The world needs more creatives in it. The world progresses via creativity. Whether it’s the arts or sciences – creativity and all that it might produce expands human knowledge, grows our understanding within and without, and changes the world for the better. Sadly, there…