There’s always a line – and you choose if it intimidates you or not. There are many lines in life for us to find, straddle, and cross. Most are utterly intangible. They’re lines that represent crossing from one idea to another. Some are deeply negative – like making polarizing statements, disenfranchising people, and otherwise causing…
Does it Sometimes Feel Like Your Identity as a Creator is a Struggle?
Struggling with identity tends to be a matter of active mindfulness. I wrote my first 50-page, hand-illustrated sci-fi novel when I was 9. The next was 36-pages, typed single-spaced, when I was 13 or so. After that, I wrote on and off, in fits and spurts. But writing was always the focal point of my…
Are You Ready for November and The Start of Another NaNoWriMo?
Are You Ready for November and The Start of Another NaNoWriMo? NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writer’s Month – has begun again. In 2004 or 2005, I was introduced to National Novel Writer’s Month – NaNoWriMo. Every November, NaNoWriMo is a challenge to reach 50,000 words of writing in 30 days. While that’s a lot of…
If You Don’t Do It, You Won’t Fail – But Neither Will You Succeed
You won’t fail if you don’t share what you create – but you won’t succeed, either. Sharing your work can be terrifying. It can feel like you’re putting yourself out there to be judged. I write and post blogs 4 days a week. In addition, I do a podcast once a week. Then, because that’s…
What’s The Best Advice I Can Offer Other Writers?
Since this comes up from time to time, I’m sharing advice I offer other writers. On Facebook, I’m in multiple writing groups. No matter what subject or genre, there are a group of questions that come up frequently about pausing, rewriting, editing, story order, writing as a pantser vs planner, and other niggling details relevant…
How Is Publishing More Books the Path to More Exposure?
As a writer, writing more books is what I do. With more books comes more exposure. As part of my newfound self-advocacy, I’m going to share where I am, where I’ve been, and where I’m going with my writing career. Where have I been? I often share that I started to write sci-fi when I…
How Do I Pick Up Where I Left Off Years Ago?
It’ll be an interesting challenge for me to pick up where I left off. I began writing my Source Chronicles fantasy series in 1998. It began with a scene out of classic epic fantasy: A lone sorcerer in flowing robes, staff raised, throwing his power around. It wasn’t long before there were more scenes, more…
Banning Books Is Short-Sighted, Unkind, and Unfortunate on Many Levels
Banning books and other arts does harm to us all. Why did I only just learn about Banned Books Week? That doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I would like to share some thoughts I have on this topic. Both as a writer and reader, I am totally against banning books. Censorship of this…
How Does the Beauty of Our World Live in the Arts?
The arts bring out the best of what our world can be. The last few years have been extra crazy. Between the pandemic, increasing political partisanship, the growing lack of kindness, compassion, and empathy among our so-called leaders, and markets gone haywire – the world has felt more and more oppressive. Through it all, however,…
Another “The End” Reached. What Do I Do Now?
After I reach “the end” of a project, it’s time to work on the next. I just finished writing the first novel in my new Savagespace sci-fi saga. There are 6 total novels plotted for this series. With Alliances done, there are 5 more to go. Not counting my non-fiction – this is my 16th…