There is editing to be done – and that means doing it. As I’ve been working on Savagespace, I’ve been finishing one book, then moving on to the next (without editing). Originally, Savagespace was going to be 6 novels (around 200 pages each). However, as I look at the work I’ve done – and compare…
Why Shouldn’t You Take Yourself and Your Art Too Seriously?
Because taking yourself too seriously denies you potential and possibilities. You probably know somebody with little to no sense of humor. Likewise, you probably know somebody who takes little to no joy in life. I’ll bet you even know people who frequently judge others, complain, lament various things, and take everything oh-so-seriously. These might all…
How I’m Maintaining Momentum – Sharing My Creative Process
I’m creating many things – and today I share how I’m maintaining momentum along the way. For the aspiring creators out there, I thought it might be worthwhile to share all that I have going on – and how I’m maintaining my momentum to do so. I’ve written here in vague, mostly general terms about…
Should You Share Your Art With A Select Few Before Sharing with Many?
A select few can offer useful critiques and suggestions to improve your art. I was recently offered the opportunity to be an advanced reader for someone’s novel. Since I read daily, I thought it would be fun. As I’ve been reading this advanced copy of my friend’s novel, I’ve come across one or two minor…
Should You Review Indie-Author Books Even When You Can’t Give 5-Stars?
Short answer – yes. But strive to keep the review constructive. I have no idea why I came across a book I recently completed. It was sci-fi, and I think it came up via BookBub, a recommendation from Amazon based on other reads, or some other similar suggestion. As far as I can tell, this…
Do You Freely Share Your Artistic Skills and Talents or Hold Back?
Sharing your skills and talents can be both exciting and terrifying. Everyone is a creator. But what that means is wildly variable. What most create is simple, but important. It might work with a necessity in your life, cover a basic need, or otherwise serve you. Thus, you’re a creator, but not necessarily an artist….
Finishing is Better than Not – But You Won’t Always Finish What You Start
Finishing your book, painting, or whatever is better than not finishing – but you won’t always finish. This weekend, before going out of town, I took a moment to back up current active files to my flash drive. Specifically, my writing. The books I have underway and the ones I’m currently plotting. I also grabbed…
The Business of Writing Only Begins with Writing
In the business of writing, writing – in many respects – is surprisingly the easiest part. As a child, I discovered that writing fiction – sci-fi and fantasy – brought me joy. I’ve always had an active (overactive, maybe) imagination. Channeling my imagination from playing pretend – imagining my swing set as a starfighter, creating…
Are You Getting Paid What You Are Worth for Your Art?
Author, painter, sculptor, or any other form of artist – do you get paid what you’re worth? This question is not just for artists. Frankly, it applies to more or less everyone. In America in particular, businesses are more likely to pay as little as necessary for workers. With a few exceptions, of course, many…
Are You Looking to Find and/or Make More Time to Read?
After numerous false starts, I found and made more time to read – and that’s been amazing. As a child, I loved to read. I think it was all the reading that I did as a kid that led me to become a writer. Ideas like – hey, I can do that, too – made…