Maybe, maybe not. I know that I do. I’ve self-published a dozen books, sci-fi, fantasy, and Steampunk. As of this writing, I have 4 completed books I’ve edited that need to go to an editor. I have 3 unedited, complete books and am nearing the end of a 4th. The new series I’ve been working…
Organizing, Writing, and Coordinating – Oh My!
Coordinating all the elements of writing work is not without challenges. First and foremost, I’m a storyteller. Whether it’s a blog, podcast, fiction, or recounting a tale from my frequently awesome life experiences, I love to tell the stories. For a time, finding and crossing the bridge between my works – fiction, nonfiction, business –…
Why Can’t and Won’t AI Replace Genuine Artists?
As smart as AI is, genuine artists will never be replaced. Art in its many forms is an expression of the soul. I don’t care how smart or self-aware AI (artificial intelligence) gets – it will never have a soul. Sure, it might be able to emulate people and thought processes in many ways. Eventually,…
Can You See the Same Magic That I See in Books and the Arts?
Books and the arts are amazing sources of practical magic. I have no idea how old I was when I learned to read. I’d guess I was probably 3 or 4 – since I believe that I was able to read the famous text crawl at the start of Star Wars (Episode IV: A New…
What Are Some of Your Word and Phrase Pet Peeves?
I have a few pet peeves when it comes to words and phrases people (mis)use. (Authors note: This exploration of grammatical pet peeves is meant to be humorous, not condescending, or judgmental). I come by most of my snobbery via my dad. But it’s his grammar snobbery I appreciate the most, I think. Years ago,…
Does What You Read Impact What You Write?
What you read will impact what you write in various ways. When I started to read daily, I chose a specific time so that I’d be consistent. Every morning, the first thing I do after I get out of bed, take care of the cats, and get the coffee started, is sit down and read….
A Vacation Haiku Trio
On a vacation Too many years since my last Hence, you get haiku Reading each morning Haven’t done any writing Save this, please enjoy Thank you for reading Back to my vacation now Mental health matters
What Might the Future of Writing, Creativity, and the Reality of AI Look Like?
The future is here. AI is gaining prominence. What will that mean? I started my journey as a creative writer when I was 9 years old. While writing is my first love as a creator, it’s by far not my only love. In High School, I took vocal lessons. I was a trained, 4-octave baritone…
How Is Having Discipline Different from Perfect Practice?
Confusing discipline with perfect practice is an easy mistake to make. Discipline is a word that goes tossed around a lot, in variable mediums. People often talk about discipline when it comes to diet and exercise, building new habits, learning new skills, and lots of activities that people partake in along the way. Creators frequently…
Who Reads Anything That I Write, and Does it Really Matter?
Blogs, business, fiction – who reads what I write, and does it matter? First and foremost, I’m a storyteller. During the 50 years I’ve lived in this meat suit and engaged with what life has to offer, I’ve had some amazing experiences. And that includes both good and bad. I’ve had great and awful relationships;…