Even writers, artists, and the like are not their jobs. When your primary vocation in life is one of the arts, it feels like that’s the centerpiece of your identity. Even when you work to keep a separation between your personal and professional selves, your art is a defining quality of who you are. In…
It Is (But Isn’t) Easier to Write as a Pantser
Reconciling being a planner vs a pantser 5 years on. It’s been a while since I’ve written about this topic, and I felt this was a good time to address it again. There are 2 primary types of novel writers out there (note – primary. There are always outliers and the like). These are planners…
That Might Not Mean What You Think It Means
Symbolism and meaning in art aren’t always there I had a college professor who was very, very sure of himself. He was so incredibly sure of himself – and convinced he was absolutely correct – that he took a play by a well-known playwright and made cuts to it to fit HIS narrative about the…
My Personal and Creative Plans for The New Year
Thoughts for 2025 on the last day of 2024 (with bonus accountability!) I don’t know about you, but 2024 has been a weird, crazy year for me on a lot of levels. Specifically, abstractly, professionally, and personally. Today I’m going to reflect on this with an eye towards tomorrow. If you’ll indulge me for a…
Support Local Artists, Small Businesses, Indie-Authors, and the Like
Last-minute gifts and the holiday season. It’s very easy to go and buy gift cards. I’ve done it many, many times. The problem with gift cards is that while they’re imminently practical they’re often impersonal. That’s not to say that they can’t be amazing. I always appreciate gift cards to places I frequently shop. However,…
They Don’t Have to Get It, Your Art, or You
You do what you do, create what you create, for you. I’ve spent most of my life misunderstood. One aspect of my life and lifestyle or another someone didn’t get. It might have been family, friends, coworkers, teachers, bosses, or all the above. Someone didn’t get it, didn’t get me, and I did my thing…
Should I Make Art?
The answer is always yes. Without art, in its many forms, the world would be a cheerless, drab, unpleasant place. Art, I would argue, is what most sets human beings apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Human beings have been creating art for over 45,000 years. Cave paintings are part of our collective…
How Do I Make My Books More Visible?
Specifically without spending a lot of money. Writing is the easy part. Sitting down to write is often a challenge, but the writing itself is easy to do once it gets going. Maybe traditionally published authors have it easier, but I doubt it. While they get some help with marketing and sales from their publisher,…
How Long Do You Go Until You Get an ROI?
Return on investment is important but not everything. Last week I published the final novel of my new Savagespace sci-fi trilogy. This series is set in a distant future where humans travel the stars faster than light alongside some familiar creatures we ascribe to fantasy. Despite the ability to travel across space faster than light,…
Book Three Of My Savagespace Trilogy
The third and final novel of my sci-fi trilogy is published today. As I do the ongoing work to expand my catalog, the third and final novel of my new sci-fi/sci-fantasy trilogy, Savagespace is published today. Savagespace As murderous anti-life forces emerge from savagespace threatening the galaxy… The motley crew of the starship Moon Raven…