Authorpreneurship comes with its share of challenges. As an indie-author, I’m not just a writer. I’m also the publisher, organizer, business manager, marketing department, and all-around entrepreneur. Most indie-authors evolve to become an authorpreneur when they wear all the necessary hats of self-publishing. I’ve written before about how arranging cover art, getting an editor, doing…
The World Needs Your Art Now More Than Ever
Creativity is one of the best counters to all the craziness. I could go on a long diatribe about the state of world affairs. There are so many things happening today that are infuriating, terrifying, nonsensical, unbelievable, and just totally fucked up. While it’s important to be aware of them so that you know what…
How To Succeed in the Art Business
This is an evolving labor of love and ongoing work. Once upon a time (see what I did there?) I was a kid with a dream. Star Wars had awakened something in me, and I wanted to make more stories in that crazy universe! But more than that, my imagination turned to creating my own…
How Do You Write a Book? Three Approaches to Writing From Plan
There are multiple ways to write your book. When it comes to the art of writing a book, there is no One True Way™ to do it. There are nearly as many ways to write as there are genres to write in and topics to write about. You, as the artist, get to choose your…
You Grow and Change or Shrink and Stagnate
This applies to your art, too. Change is the one and only constant in the Universe. It cannot be denied, avoided, ignored, or stopped. It can, will, and does happen. Whether glacially slow or lightning fast, change is inevitable. People fear change. This is what causes ideas and practices of fundamentalism and reactionaryism to grow…
Success is How YOU Define It
Success – like beauty and perfection – is in the eye of the beholder. As an authorpreneur, I am not just a writer and publisher of books. Like it or not, I’m a business. One of the things I’m putting renewed focus on this year is how I define success. Over the years, that definition…
You Are and Are Not Your Vocation
Even writers, artists, and the like are not their jobs. When your primary vocation in life is one of the arts, it feels like that’s the centerpiece of your identity. Even when you work to keep a separation between your personal and professional selves, your art is a defining quality of who you are. In…
It Is (But Isn’t) Easier to Write as a Pantser
Reconciling being a planner vs a pantser 5 years on. It’s been a while since I’ve written about this topic, and I felt this was a good time to address it again. There are 2 primary types of novel writers out there (note – primary. There are always outliers and the like). These are planners…
That Might Not Mean What You Think It Means
Symbolism and meaning in art aren’t always there I had a college professor who was very, very sure of himself. He was so incredibly sure of himself – and convinced he was absolutely correct – that he took a play by a well-known playwright and made cuts to it to fit HIS narrative about the…
My Personal and Creative Plans for The New Year
Thoughts for 2025 on the last day of 2024 (with bonus accountability!) I don’t know about you, but 2024 has been a weird, crazy year for me on a lot of levels. Specifically, abstractly, professionally, and personally. Today I’m going to reflect on this with an eye towards tomorrow. If you’ll indulge me for a…