There is almost never a reason not to create.

Professional, hobbyist, or dabbler – everyone is a creative.
Some creations are obvious. Paintings, books, ceramics, carvings, songs, and so on. Others of equal importance but less obvious are equations, theories, philosophies, organization tactics, procedures, routines, and so on.
Some of what we create is thought of as mundane and unimportant. Perhaps it is – but that makes it no less important – and is still something you worked to create.
But let’s look specifically at why you should go ahead and create. Many people get bogged down in various ideas that what they might desire to create is unimportant, something that someone else made, nothing anyone will care about, and various other seemingly reasonable notions.
But they aren’t reasonable. If you desire to create something – do it.
Today, I’m going to explore these 5 great reasons to create something this year:
- Because you feel compelled to
- It doesn’t already exist
- If it does exist it’s not the same as what/how you would do it
- The world deserves it
- You deserve to create it
All of these are perfectly good reasons to do it. But let’s take a closer look at each.
Because you feel compelled to create something
This is, for me, the biggest reason why I write.
Whether it’s articles like this; blog posts about mindfulness, conscious reality creation, positivity, and self-improvement/encouragement; sci-fi and fantasy novels, and/or; website content and other business writing – I have a compulsion to write.
There are words, stories, ideas, concepts, and notions in my head I feel compelled to share. That’s why I write. I feel compelled to.
This is quite possibly the best reason to create. You can’t imagine not creating. The resistance we often face is addressed in the third, fourth, and fifth reasons why we should create.
It doesn’t already exist
This is where the act of creation can extend well beyond the arts. You notice something that doesn’t already exist and feel the compulsion to bring it into reality.
Even if you don’t know how to make it happen – that doesn’t mean you can’t assemble the necessary bits and pieces to make it so. I’ve read in multiple places how Henry Ford envisioned a type of 8-cylinder engine that he had no idea how to make. Nor did the scientists and engineers he employed to work it out. But it didn’t exist, and he was certain it could. A lot of time, energy, and work went into it – but it was done.
Even when it comes to the arts – your painting, sculpture, pottery, story, or whatever – doesn’t already exist. Seems to me like you should go ahead and create it.
This is where we often meet the first element of resistance.
Why create it when it already exists?
I write sci-fi and fantasy. Do you know how many published sci-fi and fantasy novels there are in the world? I don’t – but I know it’s in the tens of thousands.
That’s a crowded market. Why in the hell should I create that? Because that’s my joy. I love to write these kinds of stories – and share them.
Articles such as this one also exist in the thousands, maybe tens of thousands, or more. Why should I write and share it? Because my take is unique in various ways.
This is where we get to reason three.
If it does exist – it’s not the same as what/how you would do it
Just because there are tens of thousands of sci-fi and fantasy novels already in the world – they are not mine.
My stories might follow similar tropes, share similar elements, and whatnot. But they are still unique because my take and my style are unique to me.
A perfect example of how this doesn’t matter is the standard car – the sedan. How many 4 door cars are there in the world? I’m not just talking about brands, but even the various models.
BMW offers the 2,3,5, and 7 series sedans (I don’t care if they call any of these a coupe). Honda has the Civic, Accord, and Clarity. Chevrolet has the Malibu and had the Cruze. Nearly every other brand makes a sedan or two.
Does the world need so many 4-door sedans? Does it matter? Each has unique properties, characteristics, and aesthetics that appeal to people individually.
The point is – they all exist – but each variant is different from the other – reflecting the different creators.
That’s true of anything you can create. Even if it is already out there in another form – it’s not the same as how you would do it or what you might make.
So long as you are not plagiarizing, taking credit for the work or another, or not giving due credit for the work of someone else – you can make your own version of that thing you desire to create.
As the quote by Jim Jarmusch goes,
“Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination.”

The world deserves it
Whatever it is you might desire to create – the world deserves your creation.
It doesn’t matter if you are a professional, hobbyist, or dabbler – the world deserves what you create. Even if you never share it – that doesn’t lessen its importance.
Why? Because the things we create – whatever they are – grow, evolve, and expand the world. We can never have too many ideas and things – tangible or intangible – in the world. Most of all – we live in an abundant Universe.
There is almost never a reason not to create. And when I write “almost never,” I am referring to the very rare creation of something that does the world a disservice. Such as nuclear weapons, for example. Sure, the splitting of the atom was an incredible creation. Weaponizing this was not so good.
No matter how big or small your creation – the world deserves it.
But more than that – you are worthy and deserving of it.
You deserve to create it
It is very challenging not to compare ourselves to others. Doing so, however, can be a major pitfall.
As a writer of sci-fi and fantasy, there are lots, and lots, and lots of other authors I can compare myself to. Some are extremely well-known, while others are where I am – or only slightly better known than me.
Still, the question comes up – am I worthy and deserving of success as a writer? Do I deserve to create something and make any kind of impression from it? Who in the hell am I to believe that?
The answer is – YES, I deserve to create it. I have every right to use any and all talents and skills I possess to create things. Writing is my main jam – but I’m also an amateur photographer, basic website creator, cook, woodworker, and have a few other creative talents/skills/abilities.
The point is – you don’t need to be special, amazing, gifted, wealthy, or some other notion to create whatever you desire to create. Just do it – you deserve to. And the world deserves to receive your gifts/talents/skills/abilities from whatever it is you might create.
That’s why there is almost never a reason not to create. You are worthy and deserving of being a creative and sharing that with the world – or just doing it for your own edification.
To summarize
Here are 5 great reasons for you and me to create something this year:
- Because you feel compelled to
- It doesn’t already exist
- If it does exist it’s not the same as what/how you would do it
- The world deserves it
- You deserve to create it
What do you love to create?
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